thirty two

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the ride home was silent. none of you said a word to each other, and you could barely hear the music from the radio. this awkward - or what felt like awkward silence to you reminded you of your first car ride with namjoon. and you hated it.

your mind was screaming at you to break the silence... to say something. anything. but you just couldn't. you didn't feel close enough to seokjin for that. hell, this was the longest you've been with him one-on-one.

if seokjin was any other person, you probably would've said something by now, but this man was your landlord. and you couldn't really get that thought out of your head.

unbeknownst to you, seokjin also hated the silence. he wanted to say something, but he couldn't think of anything. he didn't know what you liked to talk about, and asking about school wouldn't improve your relationship with him. (that's how he felt.)

he knew he was going to have to ask jimin for help. he wouldn't be able to do this without assistance from someone who seemed close to you.

"i'll transfer the money you earned today," he said, deciding to break the silence. "thank you so much for coming in today."

"money i earned?" you muttered, giving him a confused look.

"don't tell me you didn't expect to be paid for your work?" he dramatically gasped, looking at you for a second.

"you asked me to do you a favour...." you said, fiddling with your fingers. "i didn't expect to earn money when doing you a favour."

"i wouldn't make you or ask you to pose for a video and a bunch of pictures for my new makeup line for free," he chuckled.

"but, like... considering i'm not a professional, i didn't expect it at all," you told him.

"you know... you should really take my secretary's words into consideration. for a first-timer, you did great. like he said, you're a natural," he told you. "i'm sure once the photos are uploaded to the website and instagram page, other brands and agencies will be looking for you."

"i don't know if i'll be able to pose or do something like that again," you admitted. "i only did it because you asked me to. but to be honest... it felt awkward. i don't think i could get used to the bright camera flashes and the sound of hong jieun screaming at me to change my pose and look confident."

"you get used to it," seokjin shrugged. "not the sound of hong's voice but the camera flashes. the awkward feeling dies out the more you do it. i felt the same when i attended my first event."

"sometimes, i forget you're a famous ceo of a cosmetic company," you said, causing him to chuckle.

"obviously, i wasn't asked to pose with lipstick or in my hand, but i was asked to look confident and smile as fifteen different photographers called my name to get a picture of me. i did not know where to look, and those camera flashes were throwing me off. not to mention i felt like shitting myself because it was right before the launch," he explained, shuddering at the memory. "sorry for my language, by the way."

"looking at your recent pictures and videos of your arrival at red carpet events, i wouldn't have guessed you've ever been nervous," you said.

"you watch my red carpet arrival videos?" he asked with a hint of amusement in his tone.

"navi does," you told him. "she keeps up with things like that, and sometimes i'm forced to keep up with her."

"anyway, i may come off as confident, but sometimes i'm not," he admitted. "i still get nervous when i'm asked to give a speech or when i have to attend huge events. standing in front of cameras still makes my heart race a little."

you didn't know why seokjin was telling you all this, but you didn't mind. it made you feel a little less awkward around him. behind the multi-millionaire, three-piece suit-wearing kim seokjin, founder of ksj beauty, was the kim seokjin you saw walk around the house in oversized pants and t-shirts. the kim seokjin who made terrible dad jokes and had a loud-ass funny laugh.

yes, this man was your landlord, but you realised he didn't really act one.

"i don't know how much it is, but the money i earned can go towards the money i owe you," you told him.

"about the rent..." seokjin muttered. "you don't have to pay anymore."


"he told you you didn't have to pay rent anymore?" navi gasped, and you nodded. "what did you say?"


"she gave me a blank stare, jimin," seokjin whined, burying his head in his boyfriend's neck. "she was shocked and at a loss for words, so i changed the topic before she could say anything."

"now, why would you do that?" jimin chuckled, massaging his scalp. they were on the couch, jimin was straddling his boyfriend as he complained and whined about yesterday. "now you're beating yourself up because you didn't allow yourself to hear what she had to say."


"isn't it good that he doesn't want you to pay rent anymore? i know you've only lived there for almost two months, but still..." navi said. "your expenses will go down by a lot."

"i don't know why he doesn't want me to pay rent anymore, though. does he pity me? or-"

"i don't think he pities you, girl," navi said. "he's a multi-millionaire. what is he gaining from the rent you pay him?"

"i know, but i don't want to feel indebted to him," you sighed. "i know the rent i pay him is probably pocket change to him, but still..."


"and i'm not doing it because i pity her or don't gain much from her rent," seokjin sighed. "she's the only person who pays rent. i bought the house, and you guys are my lovers, so i don't need rent. i want her to see me as a potential friend, and for that to happen, i need to stop this landlord-tenant relationship we have to end."

"you've never thought like this with other tenants, though," jimin pointed out, placing soft kisses on his jaw, causing the man under him to sigh in contentment.

"y/n's different, baby," seokjin whispered, tightening his grip on jimin's waist. "other tenants haven't stayed here long enough for us to form a proper bond with them. others weren't as accepting as y/n. that girl is slowly becoming more than just a roommate to us. it's just taking the others longer to realise."


a/n: hope you enjoyed and sorry for any errors :) forgive me for slowburn loves, the pace is speeding up don't worry ;) 

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