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yoongi couldn't even look at you after he managed to stop coughing.

"uhm," he said, rubbing his arm. "how... how did you know?"

"so you're not denying it?" you chuckled. "are your partners all the guys or only a few of them?"

"all of us are dating," he answered quietly. "but, really... how did you know?"

"well, the day bruce came, namjoon mentioned how all of you were in a relationship. i mean, anyone could have taken it as all you being with your own someone, but the way jungkook nudged him caused me to think differently," you began to explain, moving back to the bar stool. "but i didn't think much of it... and just assumed you were all in relationships."


"well, after bruce left and i talked to namjoon about relationships, i couldn't help but notice how awkward he was when referring to his partner. i thought he was like that because he didn't feel comfortable saying the gender... you know, because people can be homophobic and stuff. anyway, i asked the gender, and he easily told me it was a guy," you said. "actually, i asked namjoon if bruce's reaction to finding out i lived with guys was too much. and when i asked how his partner reacted, he was awkward again whenever he said, "partner."

yoongi mentally cursed his boyfriend for not knowing how to act normally.

"today sort of allowed me to put everything together," you shrugged. "i wasn't entirely sure, though. that's why i hesitated to ask, and when i did, i emphasised that i hoped it wouldn't offend you or anything like that."

"well... i didn't expect you to know about the true nature of our relationship already," yoongi muttered. "the guys talked yesterday. originally, we had planned on telling you this friday, but i thought it would be too soon. i wanted to give you time to settle in and get used to us before we dropped such a bomb."

"so when were you going to tell me?"

"in two weeks to a month?" he shrugged. "i decided to bring up being in a polyamorous relationship just to see your thoughts on it."

"was that why you wanted to be sure i wasn't uncomfortable?" you asked. "were you worried i wouldn't feel comfortable living here because of your relationship?"

yoongi hummed in response. "i mean, our previous roommates moved out for that reason... and i understand why."

"well, i didn't feel uncomfortable knowing you were in a poly relationship, and i still don't. even after knowing you're in a relationship with all the guys in this house," you said.

"really?" he asked, and you nodded. "i - i just don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable in the place that's supposed to be your home. that's why i've been wanting to make sure."

you couldn't help but feel a bit weird inside. 'the place that's supposed to be my home,' you thought.

"uh, how do you feel about pda? some of the guys are very affectionate, and i'm worried that once they know you know about our relationship, they won't bother uhm.. toning it down," he awkwardly said.

"it's not pda when it's done in your home," you told him. "but just... nothing too extreme like a make-out session in the living room and other places. i don't mind walking in on one of you, pecking the other's lips or seeing you guys cuddle."

"okay," yoongi nodded. "anyway, should i tell the guys you know or wait for later?"

"instead of telling them, why not let them find out in a different way?' you suggested, a sly smile growing on your face.

yoongi slightly cocked his head, looking at you in confusion. "what do you mean?"

"allow me to explain."

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