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you happily munched on a sandwich you had made as you swiped through your gallery, looking at the pictures of you and your boyfriend you took yesterday.

you were at the house way earlier than usual because the rest of your classes for the day were cancelled.

you were hoping to chill with your best friend, but she still had classes and would finish late. so you found it pointless to stay at school and decided to come home.

"i didn't expect you to be home so early," yoongi said, walking into the kitchen, genuinely surprised to see you sitting on a barstool.

you felt funny hearing yoongi say home while talking to you.

"i did exclaim that i was here when i walked in, though," you said, not looking up from your phone, feeling too awkward to look at him.

after yoongi helped you calm down from your panic attack, you felt awkward around him, secretly hating that he had seen you like that.

"oh, i was listening to a podcast," yoongi muttered. "maybe that's why i didn't hear you."

you only hummed in response before a smile grew on your face when you stopped at a selfie you took where bruce was kissing your cheek.

this didn't go unnoticed by your roommate, who raised a brow. "what're you looking at?" yoongi asked.

he knew it was none of his business, and he didn't want to pry... but he just wanted to have a conversation. he could tell you were feeling uncomfortable around him. knowing why you felt that way, he didn't want that. he didn't want you to be embarrassed because he saw you like that day, but he understood why.

"oh, it's a picture of bruce and me," you said, showing him the picture with a smile on your face.

"you two look cute," he softly smiled before opening a cupboard and taking out a pack of noodles. "uh, i have a question for you, y/n. can i ask...?"

"oh, uhm, sure," you said, turning off your phone and putting your sandwich on the plate. "ask away."

you were hoping that he wouldn't ask about that day. hoping that he wouldn't ask what caused you to cry and shake like that.

"uh, you know i'm in a relationship, right?" he asked, and you nodded, wondering where he was going with this. "right, so i'm not in a normal relationship. i actually have more than one boyfriend..."

your eyes widened unconsciously. "oh."

"i just wanted to be open about it... you know, just in case one of my boyfriend comes, and you see me with the other the next day," he said. "i want to be open about my relationship, but people don't react positively," he bitterly chuckled.

you watched as yoongi put some water in the kettle.

"so, is your relationship polygamous or polyamorous?" you asked, and your question surprised yoongi.

"you know the difference?" he asked wide-eyed as he turned on the kettle. "most people don't even know what those terms mean when i describe our relationship."

"really?" you asked. "i mean, i guess why, but it's not so complex," you shrugged.

"how do you know about...?"

"oh, someone i knew was in a polyamorous relationship, and it fascinated me," you explained. "relationships like that seem like so much fun. even though i don't think i'd ever be in a poly relationship, i'd never shame those who are."

"so you don't think it's weird, and you don't feel uncomfortable around me because of that?" yoongi asked, and you shook your head.

"no, i don't think it's weird, and why would i feel uncomfortable around you?" you asked. " just because you're in a relationship with more than one partner isn't going to make me feel weird. i shouldn't feel anything about your relationship. does it make sense to feel uncomfortable about a relationship you're not even in?"

"thank god," yoongi sighed, placing a hand on his chest. "i was lowkey worried because i thought you'd be uncomfortable and react negatively. i didn't want that."

"really, yoongi," you reassured, scratching your nape. "i'm not going to feel uncomfortable."

he only nodded, wondering if you'd feel uncomfortable knowing his partners were all of your roommates.

the kitchen became silent, with none of you knowing what to say.

he sighed as he opened the packet of noodles and put them into a pot while you went back to munching on your sandwich and going through your gallery.

yoongi hated the sudden - and what felt to him like awkward silence - that fell between you too.

since you were going to live here, he wanted to get to know you more. but he didn't know where to start.

if there was anything he hated when it came to new roommates, it was the awkward phase. the time when things between he - well, them and the newcomer were awkward.

and it felt like it was ten times more awkward because you were a girl.

after his relationship ended, yoongi found starting a conversation with someone he didn't know tricky. for some reason, he found it even more difficult to approach women.

'come on, yoongi,' he mentally cursed at himself. 'starting another conversation with y/n isn't that difficult.'

"is jungkook here?" you suddenly asked, looking up from your phone.

"i don't think so," yoongi said. "he mentioned something about wanting to go shopping for some stuff in the morning. why?"

"i was just curious, " you said. "normally, you two are always here, so i wondered where the guy was."

"we're only home because our jobs let us work from home most of the time," he explained, turning off the stove before taking the pot to the sink. "very rarely do i have to go the studio to work because i have everything i need here."

you wondered what yoongi's room looked like.

considering he was a producer, you expected his room to have a large computer where he put everything together, some speakers, a piano and other things producers needed to make music.

"and i usually leave the house at night and only on weekends. i work at a bar, so..."

you hummed in response as you watched yoongi transfer his noodles to a bowl.

"yoongi, can i ask you something?" you suddenly asked.

"uh, sure," he answered before slurping up some noodles.

"i don't mean to be nosy, and i'm sorry if this offends you in any way," you started, scratching the side of your head. "you know how you're in a polyamorous relationship, right?"

yoongi only nodded, mouth too full for him to respond with words.

"uhm, are your partners any... if not all of the guys?"


a/n: shorter chapter than usual but whatever 🤭 next one will be longer

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