twenty eight

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"thanks for dropping me off, as usual, namjoon-ah," you said when he parked his car.

namjoon no longer dropped you off a few blocks away from school. students have already seen you two go home together, so there was no point in making it seem like you didn't come together. although you were somewhat worried about what students would think, it didn't matter much. it's not like you two were in a relationship. and even if you were, it wouldn't be wrong. you're both legal adults, and you're not his student.

"you don't have to thank me every day, y/n," he chuckled, unbuckling his seatbelt. "but you are welcome."

"we might not go home together today," you told him, putting your backpack in your lap to take out a file. "i have a group assignment, so my partner and i will start working on it today."

"oh..." he said softly. "i've gotten so used to going home with you that the thought of going alone feels odd. but that's alright. just remember to keep in touch with any of us," he said, opening the car door and getting out.

"i will," you told him, putting the file against your chest and closing your backpack. "see you later or see you at home, namjoon." you said, closing the car door.

"let's walk together," he said, locking the car door and testing the door. "we're basically going in the same direction. you don't mind, right?"

you thought about it for a second before shaking your head. "i don't. let's go."


"you two look so good together," navi told you, sipping her apple juice box. "the way he looked at you and smiled as you had your conversation screamed the look of a man in love. or maybe i'm just exaggerating."

"i think you're overexaggerating, my dear," you sighed, shaking your head. "if you saw us, why didn't you come up to us and talk?"

"i didn't want to disturb your bonding," she chuckled. "anyway, when will you meet up with that beautiful man who happens to be your partner for this assignment."

"anytime from now, " you said, looking at the time on your phone. "we agreed to meet here after four." you looked up from your phone to look around and see if you could see jinyoung.

"he's coming right now," navi said, looking behind you.

you turned to see your assignment partner walking up to your table with a small smile.

"hello, y/n," he greeted once he reached the table you were sitting at. "and hello's y/n's friend. i'm park jinyoung, y/n's partner for her law class assignment."

navi shook his extended hand with a smile. "nice to meet you, jinyoung. i'm yoo navi, but i prefer ha navi."

you gave your best friend a confused look. "ha navi?" you mouthed, and she shrugged before she winked.

"well, navi, i hope you don't mind me stealing y/n for a bit," he said, awkwardly scratching his nape. we have an assignment we need to start working on."

"oh, it's no problem. i've got a date with my crushes, so i'll be on my way," she said, standing up. "good luck with your assignment, guys. i'll text you later, y/n."

you watched your best friend walk away with a confused look. 'ha navi?' you thought. 'i know that's her mother's maiden name, but still... when did she start introducing herself like that...'

"y/n?" jinyoung said, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"huh? yes, jinyoung?"

"do you want to work in the cafe a few blocks down? we can brainstorm while we eat and drink something," jinyoung suggested, and you nodded, standing up and carrying your backpack with one shoulder. "alright, let's go."

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