thirty seven

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"you aren't going to say anything?" jimin asked wide-eyed while his two boyfriends gave him blank stares. "none of you?"

"we kinda already knew," hoseok sighed, looking back at the baseball game on the tv.

"yeah... i'm pretty sure the whole house except y/n herself knows about your little-"

"'it's not little," hoseok snorted, cutting taehyung off, remembering jimin's face when you complimented his new hair a few days ago.

"right. everyone except y/n knows about your fat crush," taehyung continued before popping a chip into his mouth. "you're not very subtle with it, you know?"

"so why hasn't anyone bought it up," jimin frowned, moving to sit next to taehyung.

he felt conflicted with his feelings right now. jimin loved his boyfriends more than anything but couldn't deny his growing feelings for you, especially over the past month.

now that your assignment was done, you didn't come to with questions as often as you used to. the late nights you spent working on it on the dining room table while jimin went through work documents to keep you company were no more. one thing jimin loved to do with you was talk about the way the law and courtroom functioned in his job while you worked. even though you were busy, you paid attention to everything he said with a concentrated face he found adorable.

"what are we supposed to say, jimin?" taehyung asked, raising a brow. "your crush on y/n makes sense... like- i don't know how to explain it."

"y/n's a beautiful woman," hoseok said, looking at his boyfriends. "and she fits right in, too. she may not be as close and comfortable with us as you, but she's definitely formed a relationship with all of us."

after getting more comfortable around hoseok and knowing yoongi better a month ago, you started getting closer to everyone else. you started cooking with seokjin for fun, and you've been going to the library with namjoon on saturdays. you'd have movie nights with jimin and jungkook on fridays, where you'd be almost cuddled between them under the same blanket. you played games with taehyung whenever you could, and hoseok would sometimes do evening stretches with you. but you were on an informal basis with everyone except yoongi and seokjin. you still haven't taken his offer to not pay rent yet.

"i know any normal person would feel bothered by their partner catching feelings for someone else, but i don't," taehyung admitted. "i don't know if it's because i've experienced it before or something else."

"i think that has to do with it," hoseok shrugged. "it doesn't bother us because we all know y/n and talk to her. if jimin were to tell us he had serious feelings for someone none of us knew... it would bother us. or it would bother me, at least."

"yeah, that makes sense." it would bother him if jimin or the others told him they were catching feelings for someone he didn't know. the thought alone sent shivers down his spine.

"so no one has a problem with me liking y/n?" jimin asked again, and both men shook their heads. "oh..." that made him feel a lot better.

"but if you're planning on acting on it, you'll have to talk to all of us first," hoseok told him. "having a crush on her doesn't hurt, and i don't think you're the only one too."

"who else has a crush on y/n?" jimin's eyes widened. 'someone else has a crush on y/n?'

"jungkook," taehyung chuckled. "jungkook's definitely developing some feelings for y/n. there's no way his heart doesn't beat a little faster when she smiles at him now."

"you saw him in the kitchen with her, too, right?" hoseok laughed, and taehyung nodded.

"there's no way namjoon didn't see it too."

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