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"so... what's the plan?" navi asked, playing with your hair. "have you decided how you're going to end things?"

"no," you sighed, putting your phone into your pocket. "i don't even know if i'll be able to face bruce on monday."

navi came over, and now, you were resting your head in her lap while she played with your hair.

"i don't know if i want to make it extra by slapping him and calling him names in public or make it simple and end it quietly. hell, i even thought about sending a simple text."

"you have today and tomorrow to come up with something," navi told you. "you can avoid him all week and things later."

"i want to cut ties with him as soon as possible," you said. "so... i guess i'll know what to do by tomorrow night."

"alright," navi smiled.

"thanks for coming over and sitting through thirty minutes of me crying, navi," you said, sitting up.

"no need to thank me, babe," she chuckled, crossing her legs. "what are besties for?"

"now, enough about me," you smiled, bringing your knees to your chest. "what happened after i left yesterday? did you meet anyone interesting?"

"i actually did... and instead of one person, you could say i met two," she told you, playing with the strings of her hoodie. "i danced with a couple."

"a couple?"

"yeah. so after you left me, i approached a girl i found good-looking, and we talked for a bit before another girl, who was also attractive, joined us. when i found out they were a couple, i felt like crying," she whined. "but even after i found out... somehow i ended up dancing with them, and i woke up in their bed. we had a threesome."

"navi!" you gasped.

"i know!" she groaned. "but they told me they were both interested in me and wondering if i'd like to go on three dates with them."

"why three?"

"i also asked the same," she giggled. "the first date is one of the girls, the second is with the other, and the third is with both. they want me to spend time with both of them alone and then with the two of them before making a decision."

"that's so considerate of them!" you gasped. "so, did you agree to it?"

"of course i did! how could i say no," she smiled. "but there's a bit of a problem."


"i don't know how things will work after the dates. if i agree to go out with them, we'll be poly, and i've never been in a poly relationship."

"well, lucky for you, you've come to the right place," you said, jumping off your bed. "did you forget i live with people in a poly relationship?"

"oh, right..."

"let's ask one of the guys for help and an opinion!" you excitedly said before grabbing her hand and dragging her off your bed.



your roommate's eyes widened when you suddenly ran into the living room with a huffing navi behind you.

"uh... are you two okay?" jungkook asked, taking his head off seokjin's shoulder.

"we are-"

"i'm not! i almost fell down the stairs because of this girl," navi huffed, breaking free from your hold. "we could've come down like civil human beings."

"oh, whatever," you said, playfully rolling your eyes. "anyway! we need your guys' opinions on something. well, navi needs your opinions."

"what's up?" namjoon asked, looking up from the book he was reading.

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