The arrival

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Yn -your name
Ym-your mums name
Yd-your dads name

Yn sat looking out of the window trying to distract herself from her overbearing parents talking at her. "Don't look to miserable darling people might actually think you have feelings"Ym said. " and don't even think about trying to escape we've contacted all family and friends to let us know the minute you darken their doorstep although I doubt you'll have the chance to plot as you'll be having far too much fun to even think about running away". " Somehow i highly doubt that mother I can't believe you and father are sending me away I'd rather risk eternal damnation than set one foot in that school" Yn said. Yd " well maybe after 2 years at nevermore you will actually learn something instead or wasting every opportunity  you have had and constantly disappointing me".Yn sighed and looked out of the window to glance at the gothic building coming into view.

Time skip to Meeting principle weems

"You've had a very interesting educational journey 6 schools in the past 2 years why is that",Yn ignored the principle preferring to admire the tiled floor it was only when her father nudged her that she finally made eye contact with her new principle.Larissa weems looked like a old Hollywood movie star frozen in time not a single white hair out of place her blood red lips contrasting her smooth pale complexion. "I asked you a question Yn I expect you to answer it" Larissa spoke in a sickly sweet voice. " I guess they never built one strong enough to hold me"Yn replied staring at the desk in front of her. "We don't usually except student this far into the term but due to your history with the school I've made an exception Yn say your good byes and I will take you to meet your new roommate"she said still glaring at Yn with a wide but still oddly scary smile.

"Bye sweetheart play nice" Ym said shooting warning glances that read or else ,her father however didn't even say goodbye to his only daughter and instead walked out of the office to the car. Once her parents were gone weems finally stood up towering over the new student ushering her to her new dorm in the tower.

Just as she was about to open the door she stopped and turned to face Yn " I understand that this may be a difficult adjustment but I must warn you I will not allow any rule breaking in this school and any disobedience will be met with serious punishments,do you understand".Yn nodded her head and continued to look at the floor until weems wrapped her hand around her jaw forcing her to look her in the eye. "When I speak to you I expect you to answer me so use you words do you understand me". "Yes principle weems"Yn said trying hard not to stutter as a hand caressed her pale cheek. " Good girl" the principle smiled as Yn started to blush,"now you will be sharing with Wednesday Addams she is also a new student and I think you will get on rather well" just as Yn went to walk into the dorm she felt a hand wrap around her arm. "Lessons start at 9 and don't even think about being late or you will regret it" weems said so close to Yn she could feel her warm breath on her neck . "Now that that's all cleared up I will see you tomorrow Yn I really hope you find a home in nevermore as I did" and with that she swiftly walked back to her office her white heels clacking on the floor.

Your view
As I was released by my new principal I suddenly realised how beautiful she was.No stop you can't find a teacher attractive that's just wrong anyways it's not like I'm going to be staying here long.I walked into the dorm to be greeted by a half dead looking girl looking as if she wanted to murder me as I slept .The entire room was painted a gloomy grey colour with black silk curtains that covered the entrance to a balcony . "I am Wednesday you must be Yn according to principle weems we are meant to be staying in a dorm together but I must warn you interfere with my plans of escape and you will not wake up" at that moment I realised Wednesday and I were going to be friends. "Then if we are sharing warnings if you try to stop me from leaving this batshit crazy school I will slit your throat and hide your body in the woods I even brought my own shovel" I replied and for a second I thought a saw a small smile appear on Wednesday face even if only for a few milliseconds.

" In that case perhaps we could aid each-other in our plans to escape this high school melodrama"Wednesday said taking a step forward.


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