Out with a bang

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When I woke up the next day I suddenly remembered the events of last night and how much worse outreach day was going to get.whilst Wednesday was already in a bad mood about having to spend her time with the overly happy ms thornhill, I was filled with a mix between anticipation and dread at thought of going to see weems later than night.

We skipped breakfast and decided going down to the nightshades library would be a better use of our time ,so I could have a smoke without the principle catching me yet again and so Wednesday could analyse the pilgrim in the picture. "Wednesday is there any way we can avoid going" i said trying not to think about an awkward car journey with weems (because she thought we were both flight risks and thought driving us to jeriko herself would be safer). "No Yn I think I might find some answers about the pilgrim there" she said without even looking up . "Well fine but we better leave now then I really don't want to be late again" as I carefully hid them back under the bookcase and pulled Wednesday out of the chair and up the steps.I almost got deja vu when I saw the principle leaning against the same pillar as last night tapping her watch. "Come on now we have a very long day ahead of us "she smiled and winked at me as she gently led us through the school and to her car.i didn't talk the entire car ride instead looking out the window as Wednesday and weems argued about the fate of Rowan an argument that the principle ultimately won by threatening more time with miss thornhill.Every now and again I put feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as if someone was watching me,i eventually shook  it off to being the cold weather.

Time skip
Wednesday had abandoned me to go look at pilgrim world whilst I was stuck at the local bookshop,which I preferred to the other jobs available as it was quiet and barely anyone came in except my dear principal. I looked up from a pile of dusty books hearing the bell on the door chime. "Hello Yn I just came in to check you are where your supposed to be and not running a-mock over town reaking havok" she  quietly said with a smile plastered on her face , "well my dear why on earth would I ever want to do that when I could stack books all day and listen to the owner talk about her cat".i smiled knowing full well I was pushing my luck but also that she couldn't do anything about it as we were in a public space,I saw a flash of annoyance run across her face and just before she raised her voice I remarked "now now principle weems you know you can't shout in a  library" winking at her,but that only infuriated her more which then made me more happy.I started realise that I fucked up when she started to look around the empty shop and realising the owner was not there took a step towards me ,leaning down "you will regret that my dear let's see how insolent you are at 7:00 hmm" leaving me wishing I never opened my mouth before waving good bye and walking out of the shop.Shit,well I hope Wednesdays having more fun than I am.

I barely saw Wednesday that day ,I only saw her once rushing out of the weathervane mumbling something about going to see a meeting house in the woods with thing. Well good for her at least weems wasn't stalking her every move . It was finally time for the unveiling of some statue truthfully I didn't pay attention the major finding most politicians are two faces liars and that the only reason why he was putting up the damn thing was to advertise pilgrim world. I couldn't stop staring at the women next to him though ,the way her red lips naturally formed into a smile or how her eyes twinkled, my  trance however was cut short as saw a bright light move closer towards the statue and  when I saw thing I immediately guessed what was going on.The statue exploded ,flames erupting around it as the crowd screamed.I looked around for Wednesday and finding her still nonchalantly playing her cello I focused my attention on weems who had been stood right next to the explosion. I ran out of my seat following her behind one of the stands .

"Principle weems are you okay" i said rushing to her and clutching her arm so I could see if she had been hurt.She seemed to lean into my touch as she turned to look at me I could see a small cut on her cheek trickling with blood . "I'm fine Yn"she said snappishly as I reached forward to wipe it away with my sleeve. "No your bleeding hold still" she did as I asked wincing slightly as my fingers brushed the cut and quietly thanked me as we walked from behind the stand , I left her waiting in the car to retrieve Wednesday to get her and thing back to the car before the sheriff got ahold of her. I watched as she packed up her cello and walked towards the car park"Yn I have something important to tell you once we get back" and with that she got in the car and swiftly headed back to nevermore.

By the time we reached the front gates the tension the the car was overwhelming,I could see the furious glare the principle had through the wing mirror,one that she had directed at me more times I would like to admit.As the car stopped her blonde head turned around to face us ,visibly shaking and with the look of I have just killed my entire family and enjoyed it!
"Miss Addams report to my office at 6:00 I think we need to have a little chat" she said her voice shaking with fury as she tried to restrain it,opening the door and leading us to the school .well praise Lilith it wasn't me I thought feeling sorry for Wednesday as we got out of the car and headed to the nightshades library.It was nearly 5:00 when we reached the library Wednesday was practically shaking with excitement whatever she had found obviously had got her worked up enough to commit arson. "Yn I forgot to tell you yesterday but I had a vision when I touched crack stone crypt during the Poe cup about this girl called goody Addams holding an old book warning me about upcoming danger ,so naturally when I went to pilgrim world I broke into its museum ,found the book which was a replica because it had been stolen.Then I saw her again in a painting with our dear jeriko founder Joseph crackstone ,so I obviously went into the woods to the original ruin which is now the local drug den and t" she rambled on forgetting to breathe. "You did what you can't just wander into the woods by yourself with a homicidal monster running around Wednesday it's not safe"i said standing up interrupting and starting to pace. "Well now that you mention the monster it followed me to the meeting house and", "what the actual fuck Wednesday and how does a building make you want to set nearly half the town square on fire " i whisper shouted as she stood up to retrieve her book. "Well when I touched the door I had a vision of crackstone trying to kill my ancestor goody and then rounding up all outcasts into the meeting house and burning them alive,luckily goody escaped though I don't know where to"sitting down again to stare at the picture of her and crackstone.I was speechless at the irony of a town who wanted to murder all outcasts,now not only having a school housing them but also that said school being the only thing to stop it from going into financial ruin.

"What the actual fuck,do you think weems knows" I asked still surprised at the towns dark history. "I'm going to go find out"she said walking with determination up the stairs. "Enjoy" I shouted after her knowing now that the principle would be absolutely fuming with Wednesday and had no anger directed at me today.It seemed after the days events meeting weems must have escaped my mind.....

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