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As i sulkily walked back into my dorm Wednesday walked towards me with a surprised look on her face " well what went wrong" she asked concerned though it was probably because she didn't want to make the same mistakes I did. "Let's just say I was so close to the train station until weems dragged me back to her car and now I have to go see her in her office at 5:00 under penalty of death"I laughed even though with the look she gave me in the car it was probably true. "Well I have another 3 hours till my sentence is to be carried out so how about we plan your escape and pray to Lilith that it is more successful than mine" she agreed and we sat on the balcony lost in note taking,possible escape routes and things that could go wrong until it was nearly 4:30 .

I sat on the stone balcony rail holding onto the stone gargoyle while Wednesday  watched as I smoked a cigarette. "I don't think you understand Wednesday the principle is actually a fucking sadist for your plan to work you need to lay low that means not attempting murder for a week understand"even in the short time I'd known Wednesday I already had a connection with her wether it was friendship or as a sister I didn't know but I knew that I would probably die for her and it was unlikely she would do the same for me. "Don't worry Yn the carnival is next week and there will be a lot of distractions there is something strange about our dear Larissa weems and I will get to the truth" she said sitting next to me putting her head on my shoulder as I threw my cigarette butt onto the ground below.

I checked my phone "oh no I'm going to be late again I am so dead" I said Wednesday shouting after me as I climbed through the window "enjoy your punishment Yn" getting down to retrieve her cello.I still don't know how the fuck she managed to get the case through the window but oh well I had bigger things to think about like how I was already 5 minutes late ...

I practically sprinted through the empty corridors only slowing down once the office came into view.well I guess this is it then.I knocked twice hoping when she didn't answer that she decided to give me a reprieve.I cautiously opened the door slowly making my way to her desk ,where the actual fuck was she.

"Tut tut tut miss Ln disobeying me twice in one day just when I thought you were starting to be good"I heard her voice echoing around the dim office as her tall hot figure stepped out of the shadows and she sat behind her desk. "Take a seat although you won't be staying in it long" she almost whispered as I quickly sat down trying to to make everything worse.

"Now answer me honestly where were you going to when you escaped" she asked almost tenderly as her hands were clasped in-front of her. "Well..when I ask you I expect you to answer it dear now where were you going" shit why the fuck is my principle making me . "I was going to see my grandma" I asked looking down at the floor , "Why your grandma and not you parents Yn" she asked. "Because my dear father made it clear that he didn't want to see me I doubt he'll come to parents evening" I said truthfully and to be quite honest I was perfectly happy with that one look at my fathers disproving glare is enough to make anyone set fire to the family summer home even if it was just an accident (that gravity let the lit match fall onto what happened to be enough fuel to run a gas station).She smiled and turned her head on its side .

"Well my dear I'm afraid I gave you a warning and I made it painfully clear what would happen if you broke my rules or disobeyed me ,you did both without a second thought and now I'm going to have to punish you" she said staring at me whilst her hand reached into her desk draw to retrieve the paddle and lay it on the desk in front of me .Shit I didn't think she was actually going to do it I thought blaming myself for not walking fast enough to the train station.I'm one last attempt to stall her I half whimpered half shouted "No" .

"No ,really Yn I thought you could do better than that ,now we can do this the easy way or the hard way I personally don't mind doing either but for your sake I think it would be wise to obey me for once" she whispered in a deep seductive voice and she leaned over her desk towering over me. "Bend over my desk".No this really isn't happening not today and especially not in this short dress.I remained silent having a staring competition with the beautiful headteacher until she stood up and walked around her desk towards my chair, like a lion stalking it's prey. She circled around my chair stopping behind it and whispering in my ear "Do not make me ask you again miss Ln I am not a very patient women" .And with that she slowly walked towards the door and turned the lock hiding the key in her white blazer pocket.
"I will only ask you once more bend over my desk now or I will have to make you"she snapped her voice getting lower and more impatient with every word,deciding I had no other option I slowly stood up and moved towards her desk ,whilst she watched my very move I paused as my hips collided with the edge thinking if it was possible to run and climb out of the window.Out of nowhere she stepped behind me her hand pushing my back so I now laid flat against her desk ,my cheek which I didn't know was burning now was being cooled by the oak.That bitch planned this she even cleared her desk wtf. I gripped the edge with anticipation my dark red nails digging into the wood as she picked up the paddle and stood at the side of me.

"Now my dear I want you to count every time I spank you do you understand" when I didn't answer she stepped forward pulling my hair so I could look at her "Answer me now brat" she spat , "ye-ss principle weems"i whimpered.

"Good girl"

I gasped at the sudden impact ,my hips being pushed further into the desk ,I was so shocked I forgot to count. "Disobeying me again are you Yn ,use your words" .At this point my ass was stinging so bad "one". "Now it wasn't that hard was it dear" she taunted as she landed another blow in the same spot causing me to whimper. "Two". "See you can follow instructions when given the right persuasion" she laughed as she hit the paddle on the other cheek "three" I said barely being able to function I stated to feel a warmth grow between my legs .She continued to spank me until I moaned "nine" and then she paused yanking my head from her desk my eyes watering making my mascara run down my pale cheeks that were now flushed with the things I wanted weems to do to me.

"Tut tut tut are you enjoying this miss Ln now that will not do .Are you enjoying being bent over your principles desk hmm" my voice was too shakey to even whisper a response and with a sigh she flipped me on my back . "Well my dear are you going to answer me or are you just going to use your imagination tonight of me fucking you over my desk huh " she taunted ,her face getting closer until our noses brushed . "Well... i asked wether you are enjoying this miss Ln" she growled. "Yes wee- I mean principle weems" I corrected my self but the gleam in her already darkened eyes suggested that I would pay for that. "Well it seems you haven't learnt your lesson my dear" as she flipped me back over her ,her hand that was on my back now trailed down my spine until it reached the bottom of my dress and slowly started to move it over my ass. "Let me admire my work shall we" as her cool palms soothes the areas she'd recently spanked "count again" as the paddle came down harder than ever making me jump "ten",she repeated this on the other cheek only harder "eleven" I almost shouted ,"one more darling and I hope you have learnt your lesson"
The paddle spanked me for the last time harder than any before but why did getting spanked my miss weems over her desk make me feel so good. "Twelve" I sighed as I went to get up but a firm hand pushed me back down again.

"And who said you could move dear" as her cold fingertips grazed over the red marks she had made.After she was satisfied she carefully pulled my dress back down and held my hand helping me stand .I tried to take a step but my legs gave way and she caught me helping towards the door but stopping in-front of it.

"Now Yn I think you have learnt your lesson let's hope for your sake this does not have to happen again" she whispered leaning closed to my ear "I told you you wouldn't be able to walk for days" as she winked,wiped away my running mascara and helped me to my dorm.

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