Bloody mary

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It was the day before the raven and I was stressing out  about finding a dress although the colour scheme was meant to be white, I had decided to go with a darker colour palette.I stood there in the small dress shop with Wednesday,who looked extremely bored, debating with a black dress that Wednesday had picked out and a dark red silk one that thing had. "Wednesday which one please this is torture and not the good kind" I begged turning to face my bored friend and her companion . "I like the red one it reminds me of blood". "Well then I'll take it" I said to the sales advisor who looked slightly scared of seeing a severed hand sat on the counter After we had left the shop ,we walked past this creepy looking antique's shop and I saw Wednesday staring at the black gown in the window. "Wednesday buy that one it would look good on you"i said as thing tapped his fingers in agreement. "I will not ,I'm not going"she said continuing to walk ahead as thing ran beside her, "I have to catch a killer".

Time skip
I had just got changed into my dress and was doing the finishing touches to my make up when I heard a knock at the door. "Wednesday can you answer it I'm busy"I said finishing my eyeliner "yep",she got up begrudgingly opening the door to reveal coffee shop boy.I heard him mumble something to Wednesday that made her shut the door in his face and look at me with a murderous glare. "Yn did you have anything to do with this". "What are you talking about"I said turning around in my chair confused. "Apparently Tyler is here to take me to the raven and according to a note a sent him".I nearly laughed when I caught thing trying to hide underneath a pillow . "Thing you mundane severed hand what did you do,I don't even have anything to wear" she shouted running over to the closet to quickly find a dress.Thing pointed to a large box underneath her bed ,when she opened it it revealed the dress that we saw her staring at in the shop window. "How did you pay for this.Oh five finger discount"she said still staring at the dress. "Put it on quickly so we can go" I said with exasperation gently pushing her towards the bathroom.

When she had finally got ready we walked down the  staircase, where Tyler met her and I walked slightly ahead eager to see Larissa .All breath left my body when I saw her at the door to the raven ,her sliver dress made her look ethereal perfectly matching her cool complexion and hair,her lips however stood out in her usual shade of red. "Principle weems" I said still staring at her lips, "nice of you to join us miss Ln"she said with a knowing smirk walking with me into the dance. "You look beautiful Yn" leaning down to whisper in my ear, "So do you Larissa" i laughed ,leaving her to go back to greeting students whilst I tried to find Wednesday, which wasn't particularly hard as she was the only one wearing black.It was about an hour into the dance and someone (probably Bianca) had already spiked the punch,leaving a not no much amused principle to deal with a room full of intoxicated teenagers.I went to go stand next to her bringing us both some spiked punch,hoping she would lighten up a bit. "Is this spiked"she asked holding it away from her like I'd just given her poison, "most likely"I shrugged nearly downing it,seeing Larissa taking a hesitant sip.I saw Wednesday get dragged onto the dance floor by Tyler,well this should be fun I thought ,nudging Larissa to look.We both smiled seeing Wednesday throwing herself around the room like she was possessed "I think she's having fun" principle weems said as I started to laugh seeing pissed students trying to copy her but looking like fucking idiots. "I don't know what was in that punch but you should probably thank them later"i said still laughing turning towards a smiling Larissa. "Go join Wednesday before she breaks a bone" she said pushing me towards the dance, "nope I don't dance"I stood my ground . "Well neither does Wednesday" she said lightly holding my arm and walking me towards the dance floor as she walked over to Miss thornhill.

Me and Wednesday slowly danced whilst the coffee shop boy stood there staring.Then a single drop of red liquid fell onto Wednesdays forehead,slowly running down the side of her face ,then a few more droplets began to fall.I quickly looked around the room seeing a sea of red. "Wait did you do this" I asked Wednesday over the screams of terrified students as they ran towards the door,some slipping in the river that had now formed across the once white floor. "It's not even real pigs blood it's paint" she said tasting the red paint of her face.It was then I heard a scream i immediately recognised as Larissa's ,looking to make sure she was okay I saw her running out of the hall. "Shit"I left Wednesday following the red foot prints of her heels leading towards her room. "Larissa"I knocked twice ,hearing no reply I walked into her room.She sat on the edge of her bed,her loud sobs echoing in the large room.I ran to her sitting beneath her crying frame as I tried to gently remove her hands away from her stained face. "Larissa are you okay"I asked as gently as I could looking up to see teary eyes staring back at me. "No I'm covered in blood and the dance is ruined"she cried as I reached up to gently wipe away her tears "No it was red paint and to be fair if that dance had lasted any longer most students of nevermore would have woken up with a very very bad hangover"I said as she gave a small watery laugh.

"Okay how about I clean you up" she gave a small nod as I walked to her bathroom ,bringing back a wet cloth.I delicately wiped away the red stains from her face ,placing a small kiss on her lips and slowing moved down to her neck as I stood in front of her.I got to my knees so i could wipe the stains from her legs,starting with her calves and slowing making my way up her legs reaching her thighs. "May I"I asked looking up as she nodded reaching down to pull her skirt around her waist.I brushed my fingertips across her smooth skin on the inside of her thighs,as I heard a small intake of breathe I smirked.I slowly dragged the cloth further up her legs ,she shifted slightly on the bed biting her bottom lip to stop any moans escaping her mouth.I put down the cloth on the floor next to me still kneeling between her legs "tut tut principle weems are you really turned on by your student" I looked up to see her eyes darken staring down at me. "Use your words"i taunted giving her a taste of her own medicine as I slowly stood up. "I think your forgetting something miss Yn I'm in charge" she said regaining her composure,wrapping her hands around my waist and not so gently laying me down on her bed. "Now as much as I love your dress I think I would prefer it better if it was in the floor"winking at me as her fingertips grazed over my thighs ,slowly pushing my dress to my waist. "Now theres the principle I know and love"I smiled.Just as Larissa began to unzip me a loud urgent knock stopped her. "Oh for fuck sake not again"I shouted sitting up,as the knocking continued.we both stood up shakily to walk towards the door ,she opened it with a sigh revealing a very scared looking Enid.

"Principle weems and oh Yn ,Eugene and Wednesday were just attacked in the woods and I think Eugene is nearly dead I think he was taken to the hospital" she shouted as she started to cry.Well that's one way to kill a mood. "Is that bee boy .Where is Wednesday is she okay"I stepped forward before the principle could get a word out,reaching to shake the hyperventilating Enid. " she".

Wednesday was waiting on the steps in-front of the school when i ran to see if she was okay. "What happened and why did you go into the  woods again" I almost screamed flinging myself next to her and wrapping her in a hug which surprisingly she returned. "Well me and Eugene found the monsters cave and we were going to investigate whilst everyone was at the raven but Tyler showed up and he went by himself , got attacked and the evidence was burnt"she said standing up as we made ourselves to the principles office. "Yes but why were you in the woods" I asked stopping just outside her office. "I had a vision at the raven that he was in danger", "ok" I mumbled as we knocked on the door.

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