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The car ride back to nevermore was long and silent.Wednesday looked back and forth between me and weems trying to fill in what she had missed whist seeing Eugene,but not daring to talk.Principle weems looked calmer although her eyes frequently stared at me as I looked out the window.Finally after what seemed like hours we arrived at nevermore I jumped from the car wanting to put as much space between us as quickly as possible and go to the safety of my dorm. "7:00 my office miss Yn and don't even think of not coming because I will find you" she threatened stepping out of the car and pointing a slender finger in my direction , "that goes for you aswell Miss Addams".And with that she stormed into the school,leaving me and Wednesday outside. "We have 4 hours until hell what shall we do"I asked Wednesday as we slowly made our way inside towards our dorm. "Judging by previous experiences you won't be coming back tonight"she whispered as we started to climb the steps. "Trust me Wednesday I don't think it's going to be like that did you see how angry she was I thought she was going to kill us".We walked in silence into our dorm and to the balcony,the cold air nipped at my skin as droplets of rain slowly poured.

"Yn" Wednesday interrupted the comfortable silence,i nodded still staring in the distance towards the woods and inhaling my cigarette . "What is going on between you and weems"she asked delicately, focusing on my reaction as I froze coming up with a response . "Honestly I don't know". "Well do you like her". I bit the inside of my cheek "I don't know",it was honest I really didn't know one minute she's kind ,vulnerable and then the next she wants to rip my head off or my clothes .I'm so utterly confused. "Have you done anything with her" she said slowly and i turned to face her, "well sort of but I'm not going over details Wednesday shall we leave it at that". "Fine but it sounds as if you go off with a slap on the wrist,i have to spend an hour of my time in a greenhouse with a middle aged women who wants to be my friend". "Trust me it's not going to be a slap on the wrist"

The next three hours went quickly with Wednesday venting theory's about Xavier being the monster and me giggling at her little obsession. "Wednesday are you going to tell weems about the party" I asked when she finally took a breath. "No are you", "No shall we say we bought some from jeriko and it was only us" , the lie would probably be in vain however when half the school turned up to the hospital wing with mysterious hangover symptoms. "Agreed at least then we will only have one detention" I could see her face light up at the possibility of not having to spend extra time with her most hated teacher but I was almost disappointed at not having an excuse to go see Larissa.

We both left the comfort of the dorm 6:50 so we were not late and therefore didn't face the wrath of an angry principle,and slowly walked towards the quad,parting ways as she left to the greenhouse and I made the long anticipated journey to the office.I paused outside the office checking my phone to make sure I was on time before knocking. "Come in"a calm voice answered as I slowly stepped inside. "Lock the door",She didn't look up from her laptop and instead kept typing.I cautiously made my way towards the desk sitting in-front of her while she finished her sentence and looked around the laptop. "Well miss Ln anything to tell me hmm"she smiled. God this woman.I decided to be bold ,leaning back in my chair and smirking "nothing except for how ravishing the woman in front of me is". Her red lips formed a smirk as she put away her laptop"Now that is quite an inappropriate thing to say to your principle miss Ln", "And what is my dear principal going to do about that".I bit my lip in anticipation as her hand reached into the draw below her,her eyes never breaking contact as she pulled out a stack of paper pushing it towards me. "What the fuck is that"i said watching her place a pen next to me. "Well dear what does it look like,and don't you dare swear at me"she said smugly leaning back in her chair obviously pleased with my reaction. " I want you to write i must not disobey my principle 100 times in your best hand writi-" "but"I tried to argue as she slammed a hand on the table whilst quickly standing form her seat to lean over her desk. "Do.Not.Interrupt.Me. this isn't a debate I'm telling you no ordering you ,and if your pen stops moving for any reason I will throw the pages in the fire and you will start again.Do you understand me now Yn" .Her darkened eyes shot me warning glances daring me to speak. "Yes" I muttered quickly reaching for the pen to start , "good girl".

For what seemed like hours I rushed to finish writing,my hands were numb and tired. What game is she fucking playing, as I completed four pages principle weems finished a stack of paper work looking up occasionally so see if I was still writing.i let out a sigh and dropped my pen when I had done it "and why is it that your pen has stopped moving miss Ln"she asked looking up with a smirk thinking that she had finally defeated me. "I've finished can I go now" I asked ready to go tell Wednesday that not only has the headteacher gone mad but that my hands were now temporarily paralysed. "No"she said simply and continuing to do her paperwork. "Why it's been over an hour"I asked confused checking the time and seeing it was nearly 9. "Because I'm not finished with you yet"she answered not even bothering to look up.

I sat there staring up at her is disbelief as she continued to sign forms. "Well are you going to be a good girl and tell me what happened last night hmm"she said without looking up. "Well me and Wednesday decided to have a after party by ourselves in the library and ended up passing out,now are you happy?"I said in exasperation rubbing me forehead to try and stop a headache from forming. "Tut tut" ,Her pen dropped from her hand as she stood up still not looking at me .She picked up the stack of papers and began filing them ,after she was finished she finally turned to look at me with a smirk . "Really just you and Wednesday" she asked quietly still smirking as she began to slowly walk behind my chair, "yep I bought the alcohol from jeriko you should probably tell the major to check shops are not selling to underage people as it is against the law"I smiled to myself thinking she'd bought it. "Yes I probably should"her hand gently held on to my shoulder as the other traced lines along my neck. "Really just you and Wednesday ,not Enid or Xavier,or Bianca and yoko.Or what about the OTHER 21 STUDENTS WHO HAVE HANGOVERS" she said shouting as her fingers stopped their movements on my neck and her other hand painfully tightened on my shoulder, "AND WHY DOES YOKO HAVE A SPRAINED ANKLE" .Shit.

"I have no idea what your talking about principle weems maybe they just caught the flu and Yoko slipped whilst fucking her girlfriend ".She quickly pulled the chair around to face her ,her hand gripping my neck as she leant down. "Don'",she warned as her grip tightened yet again. "Are you going to tell me hmm or will we have to do this the hard way"I audibly gasped and with the little air I had left I   quietly whispered "please".She gently released her grip on my neck placing her hands on the armrest. "Well I'm waiting Yn and as you well know I am not a patient women". "No I'm not "I quietly answered looking up at her. "Very well then the hard way it is".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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