The Interruption

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I started to wake up opening my eyes confused about why I was in another bedroom,then it hit me about what happened last night. I turned my head to find Larissa sleeping so peacefully her arm still wrapped around my waist.I couldn't help staring at her slightly parted lips as her eyes fluttered open looking confused as I did . "Morning Yn" she said turning to face me smiling and placing a  kiss on my lips. "Morning Larissa" I giggled pulling her waist closer to deepen the kiss,I saw as she glanced at her watch that was still attached to her wrist then jumping out of bed when she realised the time. "Shit Yn you need to go back to your dorm before everyone wakes up"she said gently trying to pull me out of her bed without any luck. "Only on one condition"i said smirking slowly standing up to face her. "And what is that miss Ln" taking a step forwards wrapping her strong arms back around my waist. "My principle gives me a kiss" reaching my hand to her hair pulling her face down towards me. "Very well" leaning down to press a quick chaste kiss on my cheek. "Wait that's not fair"I said trying to pull her towards me but she pulled away and walked to the door smiling . "Well maybe if you make it a day without getting into trouble I might reward you later hmm" opening the door. "How about a sneaky preview"i said walking towards her. "Nice try miss Ln" she chuckled carefully pushing me out of the door waving at me as I quickly walked down the corridor,still in my black slip.

I ran to my dorm and seeing that Wednesday was still asleep ,I went into the bathroom to take a shower .when I looked in the mirror I gasped seeing dark purple hickeys scattered across my neck and chest and blood red lipstick stains covering nearly everywhere on by body. "Shit".When I finally looked slightly normal I walked out of the bathroom having changed into my uniform. "Where were you last night Yn and what is that on your neck"she said sitting up from her bed looking at me. "Well erm do you trust me Wednesday"I dodged the question trying not to get Larissa in trouble. "Yes" she said standing up and walking towards me. "Then trust me when I say you don't want to know"I said reaching towards my makeup bag and going to sit at the desk in-front of the mirror "did she hurt you"she quietly said standing behind me. I looked up from applying my concealer "No it wasn't that sort of punishment"I said with a wink,seeing the realisation flash across her face as she blushed, walking away so i wouldn't see. "Oh".

I had been to all my lessons on time today for the first time since I joined nevermore,hoping of being rewarded by dear principal as she had promised earlier that morning.I was sat in Miss thornhills class but whilst she talked about plants,the only thing or person I could think about was Larissa,and before I knew it it was the end of class and the end of the day meaning I could finally go and see ms weems.But Wednesday had other ideas dragging me to the nightshades library. "What the fuck Wednesday I was just about to go see Larissa- I mean principle weems" correcting myself as she handed me my cigarettes, "Yn this is important I think I know who the killer is"she said quickly starting to pace around the room. "Who"nearly choking on smoke. "Xavier" she stopped to look at me, "To be honest that does make sense as the monster did protect you from Rowan and Xavier does follow you around like a lost dog"I said inhaling. "What should we do about it"she asked sitting down. "I say you take the dog for a walk".

Finally leaving the library after explaining to Wednesday I had to see weems as it was an emergency I made my way to her office knocking twice. "Come in" she said as I opened the door and walked in .I quickly turned around and locked the door whilst she still nonchalantly continued to do paperwork,only looking up once she heard the lock click smiling when she saw it was me. "Hello Yn" she said as I pulled the chair around the desk to sit next to her "I'm here to collect my reward"i said smirking as I reached out brushing my hand against hers. "Hmm and what reward would that be"turning her chair around to face me, "well whatever you think is best principle weems". "Hmm well I do have some ideas"smirking as she motioned me to stand in-front of her. "Well care to share"i laughed stepping between her legs, "sit" her arms wrapped around her waist pulling me onto her lap,straddling her. "You know what I think i get the gist "she giggled pulling my face toward her ,crashing her lips against mine.When her tongue slowly entered my mouth I moaned moving my hips slightly as tried to get friction.She pulled away so we catch our breath,we spent a few minutes breathlessly just staring at each other. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are Larissa" I whispered stroking her pale cheek that had began to slightly blush. Her fingers brushed over my neck as she smiled slightly noticing the marks she had made the night before.Just as her other hand had slowly begun to snake beneath my skirt ,a loud knock echoed throughout the office causing us both to freeze.

"Fuck,how rude" I whispered to a laughing Larissa as I slowly got off of her and pulled my chair back around to its original place. "One moment please" principle weems shouted at the door ,standing up next to me "before you go I wanted to ask you if you were going to go to raven this weekend".Shit I had forgotten about that. "Well that depends is a certain fair haired,very hot principle did I mention hot is going to be there"i smirked giving her one last peck on the lips as she left to open the door. "I'll see you there miss Ln"weems smiled opening the door for me as I nearly bumped into Bianca who was waiting outside. "Thank you principle weems for helping me"i winked walking back to my dorm.i guess I should probably start looking for a dress.

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