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"Come in" a tired voice answered,revealing a rather worse for wear looking principal,sat behind her desk rubbing her temples.I quickly closed the door and followed Wednesday to the seats I front of her desk. "Is Eugene going to be alright" Wednesday asked leaning forward with uncharacteristic concern. "Honestly miss Addams I have no idea" she tiredly said leaning back into her chair and closing her eyes, "what in gods name were you thinking running into the woods by yourself ,you should have come to me or another member of faculty". "I told miss thornhill and she told me she was getting you" she replied staring at the desk unblinkingly. "Well I wasn't notified,but still never do that again the last thing I or nevermore needs is two injured students understand". "Fine can I go see Eugene tomorrow" Wednesday asked ,which surprised me I thought she would have just snuck away, "Of course I'll drive you I have a few errands to run in town anyway, will you be accompanying us miss Ln"addressing me for the first time,pleading with her eyes. "If it's not too much trouble principle weems"I smirked. "Then it's settled I'll pick you up from your dorm at 10 ,try not to be late miss Ln hmm"she smiled as she stood up to lead us out of her office.Her hand gently grazing my lower back as she leaned down after making sure Wednesday was out of ear shot "It seems we have a lot to make up for" she whispered as she stopped a small smirk playing at her red lips. "Until tomorrow Larissa".

I sighed as the door closed behind me ,I don't think Eugene will be the only one in need of a wheelchair after tomorrow.It was now long after 12 as we walked past the Poe statue faint music could be heard. "Wednesday come on,"i said dragging her towards the statue and down the stairs.The usual dark gloomy library now was filled with red stained people dancing and laughing under coloured streamers that had been hung from the ceiling .well I guess no one thought to change. "Come on Wednesday it might help you feel better we'll only stay an hour then leave"I begged dragging her towards a book shelf that had now been made into a make shift mini bar. "Fine but no more dancing" she said handing me a half empty bottle of green alchol. "Deal" I shouted over the music as we started to mingle with the crowd.

Well Wednesday did not keep her promise and in fact drank so much I found her dancing on a table.luckily however after all that had happened that night I still managed to remember my phone so I was able to take a few pictures to show her in the morning.I hardly saw Enid or Ajax that night as they kept disappearing behind bookshelves so I mostly stayed with Xavier and Yoko ,we both cheered Wednesday on and caught her when she fell of the table. Whilst I trust Wednesday completely I also don't think Xavier is capable of being the monster that attacked Eugene ,even in the small time I've known him the only anger I've ever seen him display was when Tyler showed up to the raven ."Wednesday I think you've had enough I tried to shout over the music as I lent over the sofa, which we had laid her on. "You know I think that goes for you too Yn I had to catch you falling twice just on the way over here" he said laughing and laughing even more when i leaned forwards to slap his arm but fell on the sofa next to Wednesday instead.I didn't even think to look at the clock or my phone as we weren't all exactly thinking properly and after a while people started to stumble up the stairs.

Time skip till the next morning
I slowly opened my eyes feeling very confused that I wasn't in my dorm ,as I looked around to see me,Wednesday and Xavier all asleep on the small sofa in a very fucked up library.My head stared to pound as I reached for my phone under a grumbling Xavier. "Wednesday wake the fuck up its 9:30"I shouted shaking her and standing up reaching under the bookcase for my stash to slip in my purse. "Shut up Yn we don't have lessons today" he said groaning, "yes well we have to meet weems at 10 and trust me I can't be late"I shouted as I dragged a half sleeping Wednesday up the stairs and half way around the school.Just as we began to climb the stairs to our door I heard the familiar clacking of heels coming towards us,we both froze seeing a cheery looking weems rounding the corner.But her face dropped into a scowl seeing two obviously still intoxicated ,partially hungover students ,still in their ruined dresses. "Why the fuck are you so early"I asked deciding sitting on the step was easier than standing,putting my head in my hands to try and block out some of the light. "what is the meaning of this,and don't you dare use that tone with me young lady"she shouted taking small steps forward until she reached us.i nearly thought Wednesday had fallen asleep next to me until I heard a quiet groan of "weems if you don't shut up I will kill you and throw your body in the lake".I started to laugh against my better judgment ,trying to mask it with a loud cough that caused wednesday to let out a small uncharacteristic giggle.she tried to pick herself up off the step to stand ,failing spectacularly and deciding to crawl up the steps instead.I stood up to follow her leaning against the handrail as I slowly made my way up the steps,not bothering to even look at weems because I could already guess what her facial expressions would be. "Be ready in 20 minutes and don't think that this is over" she shouted after us .

It was a very long 20 minutes Wednesday not only managed to fall though the door but also over a sleeping thing .Surprisingly we both managed to get dressed and have a quick shower in 20 mins and were putting our shoes on when a still fuming principle stormed in not bothering to knock and carefully helped us down the stairs (Probably not wanting another injured student that week.)Inside the car it was silent ,Wednesday had fallen into a light sleep as I stared out of the window not wanting to make anything worse as I could see her tightly gripping the steering wheel with her gloves hands , trying to fight the urge to strangle us both. "Now I think that a trip to the weathervane is very much needed before you idiots even think of stepping foot in that hospital"she shouted , "that's uncalled for Larrisa"I whispered so Wednesday couldn't hear me. "Well from my perspective you both look utterly idiotic to me and it is principle weems Miss Ln".her shouting woke up Wednesday who looked up confused to why she was in a car,seeing her puzzled face and messy bangs I fought the urge to laugh by covering my mouth with my hand. "Is something funny miss Ln"she shouted staring at me through the wing mirror with a murderous glint in her eyes. "No principle weems"I managed mumble not looking a still confused Wednesday in case she made me laugh. "Good well we're here so find a booth while I get you both some coffee",she got out of car quickly slamming it shut and quickly walked towards the weathervane,not bothering to even lock the car.

"Where the fuck are we" Wednesday grunted slowly getting out of the car, "trouble"I answered linking with her arm as we slowly walked through the door.Tyler stood serving weems as we sat down ,shooting us puzzled glances as to why we both looked like we walked through hell and back,whilst I mouthed Wednesday would tell him later. "Wednesday I have something to show you and you are going to kill me"i smiled turning my phone to her a picture of her dancing on the table as she death stared me, "well if it makes you feel better here's one of Bianca and Yoko also dancing on the table except both of them fell of and I accidentally filmed it in slow mo".I laughed as she forwarded herself the video from my phone, probably to use as blackmail later.I quickly switched my phone off seeing weems putting our drinks on the table and sitting opposite us. "What was that"she asked raising her eyebrow at me, "erm nothing"I said taking a small sip of my coffee. "What happened to you both" she whispered leaning forward over the table, "I always thought you were a hot chocolate person"I answered pointing to her drink , "Don't you dare change the subject miss Ln,I want answers and I want them now"she angrily whispered not wanting to alert the entire cafe to our conversation.We both didn't answer, not wanting implicate half the school, and so chose to sip our drinks in silence. "Detention for both of you tonight and every night until one of you tells me what I'm gods name happened"she said looking out of the window. "Who with"Wednesday carefully asked not wanting hers to be with the overly cheery miss thornhill,although I had already guessed who mine was with. "You are with miss thornhill Miss Addams and as for you young lady you are with me"she smirked over the cup of her hot chocolate as the colour from Wednesdays pale face drained entirely probably sobering her up faster than the coffee could . "Now that the matter is settled shall we go and see Eugene" she said with a big smile.

Principle weems and I waited outside the room as Wednesday went to see Eugene.I could feel her eyes burning into my neck as I continued to stare at the floor. "Look at me Yn"she said as I kept my eyes on the floor knowing that it will anger her.although I like nice Larissa I think I prefer angry principle weems ,the way her blue eyes darken and her pale cheeks get flushed. Her hand gently reaches out and pulled my jaw up to face her quickly pulling me out of my thoughts ,being gentle as we were in a public place. "I'm starting to think you get into trouble just to see me" a small smile not leaving her face but her eyes still told a very different story. "I don't" I asserted simply ,my mind begging Wednesday to hurry up so I wouldn't get myself into more trouble. "Are you going to tell me what happened after the raven dear hmm"she asked in a sickly sweet voice . "No" I answered even though I couldn't remember half of the after party anyway only Wednesdays antics. "Well I have my methods to getting you to talk"she replied leaning forward to whisper in my ear, "although the only talking you will be able to do is screaming my name".

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