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It was the day of the Poe cup ,basically some glorified rowing competition ,I decided to stay clear of it all unlike Wednesday who was roped in by Enid.I sat on the grass next to the lake making sly remarks at Wednesdays new cat suit as she drew up battle plans with thing.I'm shocked at myself how I just accepted it when I was woken up by a severed hand asleep at the bottom of my bed,but I suppose in a school like this and especially with Wednesday as a roommate nothing is impossible.After weems started the tournament I sat on a bench bored out of my mind as Wednesday got into the boat and started the race .I would have snook off and broke into her office now but she had also made it crystal clear that attendance was mandatory and although I do plan to break rules later it was far too early to do so now.After what seemed like hours Ophelia hall won mostly thanks to thing and the crowd cheered as we walked back to the quad for the awards assembly.I sat under an old stone statue with Wednesday who was trying to stay away from the cheery smiles of random people and friendly conversations.I almost thought Wednesday was having another seizure as she started to manically search the statue gasping. "What the name of Lilith do you think you doing" I questioned standing up to try and see what had made her go mad. "Nothing I'll see you later I have to do something" she said quickly standing up and walking back towards the quad.

Time skip
That night me and Wednesday quickly slipped out of our dorm her going to investigate the statue in more detail and me going to break into the principles office. " meet at the door to the library after your done" she said and with that she took off down the opposite corridor. Well i guess there's no turning back now I whispered slowly walking up to the office.It was 12:30 so the likelihood of dear weems being there was almost 0 unless she slept in her office.I knocked on the door,well it was only polite and swiftly rushed to her desk once I made sure she wasn't there.I frantically searched each draw making sure I didn't miss anything ,until I opened the bottom draw where I not only found the paddle but also my pack laid neatly alongside my lighter.Not wanting to push my look I quickly grabbed them pushing the draw shut and running towards the door,until I heard the faint tapping of heels getting closer with each step nearing the door.My heart nearly burst out of my chest as principle weems stood at the door looking startled that a pupil was in her office 2 hours after curfew.

"What the hell do you think you doing"she shouted still startled. "Well I had a urgent matter to discuss with you but as it turns out it can wait till morning bye" I said putting the pack behind by back and taking a step backwards towards the door as she sat down behind her desk. "Wait a minute Yn what do you have hidden your back ,show me now" she stared at me whilst I could see a moment of realisation come across her face as she reached into the draw and when she couldn't find them, standing up.

"Bring them here NOW" she said taking a small step further as I took a bigger one towards the door.That's when against all rational thoughts i turned around and sprinted out of her office speeding up once I heard the angry footsteps behind me. "Get here right now young lady" but I did not and instead ran through the empty corridors trying to lose her nearly knocking Wednesday flying. "Yn why are you running" she asked steadying herself as she started to run beside me. "Weems caught me and now I'm fucked because she's probably gone to the dorm looking for me" i panted taking a small rest ,leaning against a pillar. "I know where we can go follow me" grabbing my hand and leading to me towards the same old statue we sat under 12 hours ago. I was just about to tell her what the fuck is a statue going to do against a sadistic principle on the warpath when she snapped her fingers revealing a secret staircase. "Wait what the actual f-" I didn't get to finish when I heard the faint sound of heels marching towards us as Wednesday quickly pulled me down into some sort of cult library.

I stood there looking around the rows of books speechless. "I found a watermark on the page that Rowan showed me which turned out to be the symbol of the nightshades I then saw that same symbol on the statue along with a riddle which lead me here" she said nonchalantly as if she was just describing the weather and not some secret shitting cult in the basement of nevermore with its own private library. "Did you get the chance to find anything in here" I asked still trying to piece together everything she just told me. "I found the book the page was ripped from but nothing else because I heard weems shouting and I thought I had been caught". " I'm sorry Wednesday but I think we are both in trouble if she goes to our dorm and finds we're not there but at least you weren't caught red handed breaking into her office then running out of said office" I shouted sitting down of some sort of black sofa lighting up a cigarette. "I really hope they have no smoke alarms in here because then I'm triple fucked".

After nearly 30 minutes we both decided it would be safe to leave so finding a much better hiding place I put my pack underneath a bookcase and started to walk up the stone spiral staircase. "Thanks Wednesday I would probably be dead right now or seriously injured if I hadn't found you",a flicker of a smile appeared across her face as she said "well at least you escaped weems" causing us to both to laugh.That laughter was cut short almost instantly as we walked past the statue and saw principle weems leaning against the statue visibly shaking with fury. "It was nice to know you Yn" Wednesday whispered in my ear as the very angry principle started to walk towards us.

"Miss Addams I should have known you were behind this now please tell me why you are out of bed" she said in a restrained voice glaring at Wednesday but still managing to have a small smile. " left my book and decided to retrieve it before my lesson tomorrow" she said with a blank stare very convincingly , "well since you obviously enjoy reading so much Wednesday you can have detention tomorrow with miss thornhill in the library,now run along back to bed"she said as Wednesday shot a sorry glance at me before quickly walking back to Ophelia hall.Seeing her climb the steps weems stepped closer leaning down so we were face to face. "I just want you to know Wednesday didn't know what I was doing in your office we just happened to bump into eachother that's all" I said quietly looking down at the floor ."I don't believe that for a second and as for you miss Ln you will come to my office at 7:00 sharp ,if you are late or decide not to come for any reason I will come and get you" she growled losing all restraint she had had with Wednesday less that a minute ago.Grabbing my chin and moving closer so noses nearly touched she whispered "and trust me it will not be pleasant ,do you understand"now releasing me and taking a step back. "Yes principle weems". "Good now get to bed before I decide to issue your punishments now" I took that as my que to go walking back to my dorm mentally kicking myself that I'd been caught out yet again.

"Wow that was quick" Wednesday said already in bed . "Well it seems our dear Larissa weems has grown soft" I chuckled knowing full well she would not be as charitable at 7:00 tomorrow.

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