My First Day of High School

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"Sweetie are you ready for your first day of your new high school." My mom asked while driving.

I just nodded but inside I was trembling and scared. I'm just a regular girl going to a new school. My mom dropped me off by the side of this new high school. It was called, North High.

I knew nothing about it or anyone who goes here. I slowly walked inside, the only thing I saw at first was a picture of the mascot. It took me 30 minutes to get to the main office and find my class.

When, I heard the bell. Wow, that's loud. Everyone was running to their next class. I just stood their waiting for everything to calm down so I wouldn't get trampled on. I quickly ran to my next class so I wouldn't be late.

When I was in front of the door I started shaking. I went inside and found a group of teenagers staring at me.

"Finally you're here, sit down next to Jack. Jack raise your hand for Allison to know where you are." Mrs. Fran said.

I quickly sat next to Jack. He looked like he was about 16. He looked just like an average "Bad Boy". But I ignored him.

I stood siting there in class listening to my history teacher. Later, class was finally over.

( Later That Day )

I was going to my last class, when I realize that I was going to be late. I started running when I got a text. That's when, BOOM!

I crashed into someone. My books were all over the ground and my butt was on the floor. I looked up and saw Jack with his butt on the floor like mine.

I had gotten a bruise on my head while he was scratch all over the place by my nails. He looked at me with surprise. He picked up all my books, got up and helped me up.

We both stared at each other like we were in love, when I felt a spark.

"I'm sorry, c'mon let me take you to the nurse." Jack said anxiously.

He put my books in my backpack with my phone. He grabbed my hand. We walked all the way to the nurse, holding hands. There was three ladies. One took me to a room, while the other one took Jack.

The lady gave me an ice pack. I looked at her tag, it said Mary Grace. When all of the sudden we had a nice chat and I told her what had happened.

She gave me a note to take to the office explaining why I didn't go to class. She also told me if she ever needed to talk to someone, that she was there. It was already time to leave.

I started walking to the front. I called my mom telling her to pick me up. Then, I noticed Jack with band aids and him staring at me. We stood there gazing in each other eyes, when he came up to me.

"I'm so sorry Allison, I never meant to bump into you. I have to go back to my friends. I'll see you around Alli. Oh, sorry is it okay if I call you that." Jack told me.

I nodded. He left back to his friends. Then he looked back at me. My mom had just arrived. I went inside and waved at him. He waved back with a smile.

"How was your first day of school?" My mom asked.

"Amazing, just amazing." I responded.

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