I Have a Boyfriend

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The next day...
Ugh, I'm going to be late again. It's 8:43, shoot I only have two minutes. I started to run as fast as I could. But, I bumped into Jack, again.

"I'm so sorry Jack, it's all my fault." I stuttered.

"No problem, last time it was my fault. So we're equal now." He said. The bell rang.

Wow, I bumped into someone again and I'm late again. OMG, what great days I'm having. Jack grabbed my hand and took me to class, like a gentlemen. When, this girl came up to us.

"Jack, are you okay! Look what happened to you....wait. Why are you holding the new girl's hand? Are you dating her! OMG, we are through. Don't be running back to me later!" She yelled.

Then she sashayed away. Wow, what a Bad Girl.

"Sorry about that Ali, that was my ex-girlfriend. Sabrina. I never liked her, I only asked her out because my friends forced me to. She is a real big DIVA." Jack told me.

"Don't worry, but why did she think we're dating?" I asked him.

"She gets really jealous." Jack answered.

"No kidding." I said sarcastically.

We both started laughing. I was already ten minutes late, but I didn't care. When all of the sudden, we kissed.

The following day...

Yeah, blah, blah and blah.

"That will be the end of our lesson, you may leave." Ms. Karsel announced.

The bell rang, everyone was running to their next class. I walked to my locker to get my math books. When, Jack and his friends came up to me.

"Allison, will you be my girlfriend?" Jack asked me.

I froze for three seconds.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I said.

Jack quickly hugged me then kissed me. That's when Sabrina came between the kiss and said.

"OMG, you did not just asked her out and kissed her. Why her, what did I ever do to you? You will regret this! You....Alissa."

"Allison....and by the way he did all of that and you always pressured him." I yelled back at her.

She sashayed down the hall. When, Jack kissed me again.

I felt like I was in a dream. An amazing dream.

"I never knew you were like that. Well, I'll see you during lunch." Jack told me.

"Okay, see you then." I told him back.

We both walked opposite ways from each other.

"Hey, my name is Caroline. You want to be friends, I just noticed you were new and your dating Jack. He is so cute." Caroline said.

"Fine, I will be your friend but don't talk about how cute he is. Only I do." I responded back.

We both both left to math class. I just couldn't believe I'm dating the cutest guy in school. Totally the best day ever! YAY!

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