Another Day Another Letter From.....Him

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In my dream
I was in a ice cream shop with Jack. Then Sabrina came, bumped me out of my seat and talked to Jack. I got mad!!! I was about to scream at her when Jack kissed her. I came up to them and slapped Sabrina.

"You're not his girlfriend, I am. Stay off my man and get out of here. Oh, sorry the garbage truck called. He is looking for his spoiled garbage." I yelled at her.

By now everyone was starring at us. She jumped at me and we started to fight.

I tried my best to win but I felt like someone or something wouldn't let me. I couldn't move. Then the police came and grabbed Sabrina and I.

I yelled,"please don't take me!!! Jack help me!!!"

He just stood their laughing at me.

Then out of the blue I was at court. Jack was defending her and I ended up guilty. I had to spend five hours in jail. Jail is horrible!!

I woke up

   "Aaahhh!" I yelled when I woke up.

I was in another room. It seemed like I was being watched from a camera. I heard two people talking about a girl who was out of control last night.

"Sorry, you can't take her home. We couldn't stable her last night so we put her here. She moved her arms, legs and body. I believe that in her dream she was fighting.

When we got her to calm down we put her here. Then she began to yell out Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack and Jack! We need to keep her here for about a week or more." The man said.

At that moment I knew the girl was me. So, that's why I couldn't fight back in my dream.

"Doctor, is she really that bad?" The lady said.

"Sadly, yes." The doctor said.

I heard crying from outside. I think that lady was crying.

I heard footsteps coming my way so I acted like I was still asleep. They came in. Someone put an envelope on my stomach and they all left. I sat up and opened the envelope.

The letter.

Dear Allison,

                   I'm so sorry of what happened. I hope you can forgive me. Today was not great because I can't live without you. I feel sick everyday without you. I can't visit you because you're really in a bad mood. But I know that I'm right next to you holding your hand.

                 I feel bad for what I did, for real. I want to take your place so you wouldn't feel sick. I dream about you every night. I know it sounds creepy but it's true. You are part of my life and without you I won't be able to live. When you leave the hospital I'll be at your porch waiting for you my dear.

                Hope you feel better Alli. Don't forget about me and please forgive me. That kiss never meant anything to me. My kisses are for you and my mom.


  When I finished reading it I started to cry. I put the letter under my bed and just stared at the wall thinking about him.


Days passed by and I kept getting letters from.....him. Can't he stop it. He is so annoying and mean. I don't know if Sabrina kissed him.

The doctor came in and told me that I was good to go. I got changed and hid the letters in my bag. I walked up to my mom and hugged her. She took me to the car and we had a nice chat.

When we got home I saw........HIM!!!!!

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