The Fight

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My mom pulled into the drive way and waved at HIM! I was so mad, doesn't she have my back. I stepped out of the car and walked right passed HIM. So I can get in my house.

"Hey, no hug or hi?! Haven't you forgiven me." Jack said.

I looked at him like, REALLY!

"No, why do you hold such a grudge." He responded.

"Excuuse me! Did you just insult me?!" I yelled at him.

"You know what I can't handle you anymore we are done. D-O-N-E, DONE. I really thought you were different."

"Different. You don't think of me as an angel." I responded.

"ANGEL. I thought you were an angel all along. But now you are a DIRTY DOG!!" He roared at me.

"DIRTY DOG! How did I ever liked you. You are just a piece of depression!" I screamed at him.

"Piece of depression. That's all you got! Bring it on you wimp!" He yelled back.

"I wish I never met you. All you do is hurt me inside and out!" I said back.

"I regret everything I have done for you! Why did I ever loved you?! It is obvious that you don't have the same care for me. You know what, I'm leaving. Don't ever talk about me in public again." He barked.

He left and threw away flowers in the dumpster. I bet they were for me. I watched him leave in frustration. I turned around and found my mom disappointed.

I ignored her and went to my room. I sat on my bed and yelled in my pillow. Jack said that he loved me. Well it was all his fault. Not mine.

He was way obsessed. Jack how did you come into my life? I thought this was real but it wasn't. At that moment I had a black out.

The next day.....

I woke up and saw a baby puppy on the floor. I screamed and hugged it as sweet and gentle as a baby's bottom. Not really, but who cares. My mom came to my room and was so surprised.

"Thanks mom I never thought you would get me a puppy." I told her.

"I didn't buy you that puppy?" She responded.

I found a tag attached to its collar.


To: Allison

From: Jack

I know how much you love dogs so here is a present for you. Hope you enjoy! By the way her name is Nena and she is a Yorkshire Terrier.


I felt so sad of how I treated him. He really did loved me. At that moment I knew I had to apologize to Jack.

"Mom please take care of Nena. By the way she is a girl." I told my mom.

I got dressed quickly and ran to school. Phew, that's tiring. I went inside and asked everyone where Jack was. I bumped into Austin and asked where Jack was.

"Haven't you heard? Jack is dating Sabrina again. Also you should've stayed in the hospital and died there because you hurt him. You hurt him bad enough to make him date Sabrina. She is a total bitch." He told me while he threw me to the ground.

He left and whispered into Zack's ear. Zack came up to me and grabbed something out of his jacket. It was a carton of eggs. Where did he get the eggs? How did it fit in his jacket?!

I knew he was going to throw them at me. I quickly got up and ran as fast as I could. Then I bumped into someone and blacked out.

In my black out.

I was in kindergarten? I had my favorite dress on and the cutest hairstyle. I was playing on the swings when this boy pushed me off. I landed in a puddle and my dress got ruined. I yelled at the boy and got out of the puddle.

Then this girl came up to me and yanked my hair. My hair and dress was ruined for good. I told on them and ended up in trouble for interrupting a meeting.


I woke up in Jack's arms. I got up and thanked him for the puppy when I got egged. Everyone was laughing including him.

"What a nerd! She doesn't even know how to rock that look. She looks like a chicken!" Jack yelled out.

"Wait, oh I see you think you can insult me and laugh at me because I hurt you. I'm so sorry of how I treated you. Can you forgive me?" I told him.

"She is stupid. I never should've dated her! She is a freak! She should have died in the hospital. But it could be arranged!" He yelled at me.

I turned around and found Sabrina's face touching mine. She kicked me and yelled at me. I decided to slap her and kick her at the same time. It looked so cool.

She screamed real loud. Jack pushed me and yelled at me. Then him and his whole gang beat me up till I was rotten as poop. Everyone left and I was alone. I got up and walked to the restroom. I found Caroline there putting makeup on. She quickly helped me and called 911.

I heard the ambulance and Caroline helped me get to them. I got inside the truck and saw everyone shocked. I believe they were shocked of how I looked like.

Then, the car pulled off. This man tied my hands and legs to a cart. He left to the front and started writing in this clipboard. Then, Jack came inside and took the cart that I was attached to.

He yanked it out while the car was in the freeway. He yelled out loud Bon Voyage before I saw a car hit me.


I felt like I was dead but I wasn't. I saw flashing lights and many noises. I knew that I was really hurt but it felt different. Then, I felt like I was dizzy. Everything was spinning and blurry.

Then I felt like time passed. I saw a big white light in front of me and a guy with a mask doing something.

Then, everything blacked out.

I woke up in a room with something attached to my mouth. I felt weird. Then I noticed that I was in the hospital.

There was other people there that was injured. Then a photographer came inside and took a picture of me. I bet I looked horrible because my hair was messy.

But all of the sudden I felt like I couldn't breathe. Then I started to shake and people came. I was so afraid. The people started doing stuff to me. I saw my mom in the corner crying and Jack being arrested. They were taking him out when he looked at me and winked?!

Really I could die right now and your winking at me! He is so horrible. Suddenly I felt calmed and relaxed. I saw the policemen take him out. I needed to talk to him. But I felt numb. When the people left and Jack was leaving. I got up and ran to him. It all felt like I got hit by a truck.

I yelled, "STOP!"

The policemen stopped and stared at me in confusion. I went up to Jack and kissed him.

"Sir, don't take him I need to talk to him." I told him while I was breathing heavily.

"Sure miss, but please go back inside." He told me.

We walked into a room that a nurse was taking me to. The man handcuffed Jack to a chair and left with the nurse. When the nurse closed the door Jack and I immediately looked at each other.

"Why did you do this to me?!" I yelled at him.

He just looked at me. Then he told me, "I'm so

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