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Trust me this song fits this chapter. So here it is. Like I'm Gonna Lose You. Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend. Enjoy...


Hours Later....

Allison's POV

Where the hell am I? Was my first thought. How did I get here? Was my second thought. Who did this? Was my third. My head was pounding and I felt weak. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. It felt like my body was shut down. But yet my eyes are still open and I could think.

I turned my head and saw a lightbulb hanging. Isn't this like the horror or action movies where they beat the suspect up for information. Well, I don't have information so I was useless. Looking around I was in complete darkness. I was sitting on a chair but not tied.

Like whoever did this planned it. I looked straight ahead and saw a mirror. I could see myself. My face was dirty, I had a black eye, a big bruise, my lip was cut, and I had dried blood on the side of my head. How did that happen? All I remember was Jack and Zack were fighting.

Hey!! That rhymes Zack and Jack.

No dur. It's the same but with a different letter in the beginning.

Okay don't ruin my joy of rhyming!

I remember Zack was on the floor and Jack was gonna punch him. But I took the punch for Zack. That's why I have a black eye, a big bruise, and my lip was cut. Now I remember everything. But why weren't they here? What's going on?!

Then someone came in. I could tell it was a girl because I could hear heels clicking the ground. Looking to my side I saw her. The girl who put me in the hospital.


She was suppose to not get near me. She was smirking at me and she walked closer to me. She was about to speak but I started spitting on her face. She deserves it for what she's done to me.

"You little brat! Anyways, hello Allysa. Nice to meet you again." She said sweetly.

Sweetly my butt.

"Allison." I said.

"Yes, I remember now. You took Jack from me. He did make out with me but he was just using me. So now I'll use you. Not in the dirty was though. I'm gonna use you to make Jack mine." She said her plan.

"He doesn't love me anymore. Why would you need to use me, if he hurt me." I said with my teary eyes.

"He does love you, I can see it in his eyes. But I'll change that. The only way to do so is get rid of you. I almost did once I'm not afraid to do it again, dear." She said bitterly.

"Why not do it now. Since I want to die." I said.

I did want to die. I couldn't handle the pain anymore. It was just too much. My love for Jack fades but then comes back which hurts because it'll start fading again. I didn't want that in my life. So why not end it? I've thought about it. It isn't such a bad idea. Who would miss me. I'm moving so no one would miss me.

Sabrina looked at me curiously and then slapped me. My head turned to the side and I became furious. She is not allowed to hurt me like that. She thinks she has the nerve to slap me. Let me show her what I got. I tried to slap her back but then I couldn't. All I could do was breathe, talk, see, hear, and probably taste. But I couldn't move, only my head.

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