Sabrina Calls The Police and Tries To Kill Me

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Jack looked at me when I told him that I loved him. He was about to say something when Nena got on the bed and started kissing me all over my face.

"Hey, save some for me!" Jack said.

Jack moved Nena off the bed and he was gonna kiss me. When, my little brother came in.

"OMG, you two were gonna kiss!" He said.

"Get out Nick!" I yelled at him.

He sat down on the floor and stared at us. Everything felt weird.

"Um, I guess I should be leaving." Jack said.

He left the room. I saw him walk home through my window.

Then, my mom came barging in.

"I can't believe you brought him to our house and that you snuck out of the hospital. Look at you, you're still bleeding! I don't want you near him. Anyways, he is gonna go to jail." My mom said.

"What!" I yelled.

"He is gonna go to jail. He snuck out of the hospital and ran from the police. He also put you in a death sentence! He might go for more than ten years." My mom said.

I didn't know what to think about. I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs. My mom was right I was still bleeding on my foot. Dang, that hospital is bad at putting stitches. I started running in the middle of the street.

I was trying to catch up with him, I kept running when I saw the police at his house. I was too late. I was about to leave, when someone grabbed me. I looked at the person it was Jack.

I felt so relieved. We both ran to this abandoned house. We went inside. We found a room with a bed. I sat on the bed and started to breathe so hard. Jack looked at my foot and was stunned.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jack asked me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I know that I'm bleeding but I don't feel anything." I told Jack.

"You know that I do need to turn myself in, right?" Jack told me.

"I know. Why does it have to be like this?!" I yelled.

"Hey I'll turn myself in tomorrow, but first I need to talk to my friends at school." He told me.

I nodded.

We both fell asleep.

The next day.......

I woke up. It was 6:30am. I woke up Jack. I changed clothes while Jack looked at himself at the mirror. We left and found this man selling churro's. That was weird. Jack bought one. We shared it, of course.

We walked to school. Everyone was staring at Jack. We both ran in and tried to look for his friends. We found one of them five minutes later.

"Hey, Jack and this fucked up girl." Zack said.

"Don't call her that! I just came to say bye." Jack told him.

"Why?" Zack asked.

"I'm saying bye because I'm probably going to jail." He told him.

"Oh I see, this girl is turning you in. Hey, you little b*tch. Get out of his life!" He said.

"I'm not turning him in it was his decision. Also, watch your language and don't call me that you idiot." I yelled at Zack.

"What you have a problem with me you f*cked up little girl. I bet you want money don't you. Well, if it's gonna be that way." Zack said.

"Don't call me that!" I said while slapping him.

He looked at me and took out his phone. He started texting someone. He put his phone in his pocket and stared at us. A couple minutes later, Sabrina came.

"Oh, Jack get away from her. She looks like she died and then tried to cover it up." She said.

"Nope, also Sabrina I'm breaking up with you." Jack responded.

"What! Then why did you ask me out?!" She asked.

"I asked you out because I was trying to make Allison jealous." He said.

I looked at him with shock. I knew that I had to put Sabrina in her place. So, I decided to kiss Jack infront of her. Then, Jack looked at me. Then, he kissed me back. We looked back at Zack and Sabrina.

"You want to play like that. Sure!" Sabrina said.

She started dialing on her phone.

"Yes, Jack is here in North High hurry! He is about to hurt the school. Ahhh!" She yelled.

I was so surprised.

Sabrina took out scissors and started cutting Zack and herself. Jack and I were scared. Then Sabrina started crying. The whole school came in.

"Get Jack and his girlfriend, look at what they did to Zack and I." She yelled.

The whole school made a circle with Jack and I in the middle. We were scared. That's when Sabrina came and grabbed my hand and started cutting my hand.

"Aaahhhh! What's wrong with you!" I yelled at her.

Jack got mad. He took the scissors out of her hand. Then the police came in and saw Jack with scissors in his hand. Including Zack, Sabrina, and I bleeding. I looked at Jack and he looked at me. We were both scared. We looked at Sabrina. She looked at us and started to snicker.

Jack and I were in war and we were losing really bad. That's when I couldn't breathe. I collapsed on the floor. All I saw were bright lights and faces. Sabrina must have hurt me really bad.

I was so scared. I saw Jack come to me. He started doing something. He yelled for an ambulance. He was saving my life. I looked at Sabrina and snickered at her. She looked at me so mad. I felt really glad. Then, I looked at Jack.

"Everything is going to be okay. Hey, keep looking at me. Don't close your eyes!" Jack yelled.

I felt so bad because I closed my eyes at the moment.

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