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The Next Day...

Ugh, the light is freaking blinding me!!! I stood up from the bed and saw no Jack. That's weird he probably woke up early. I grabbed my phone that I left on the floor and checked it. Shoot! It's 12:00 pm.

Dang I slept the whole morning. I then went to the bathroom and looked at myself through the mirror. I didn't look that bad. My hair was a little messy so I took the moment.

I tied my hair up into a messy bun. I then walked to the living room. There he was stuffing his face with pancakes! Like hello? I'm hungry too! I coughed to get his attention. I crossed my arms and gave him a glare.

"My aunt made another batch."



Hey guys this is super short!!! I know if you guys are mad at me I deserve it! I've been busy finishing my first book, Serena The Weird. If you have a chance you can read it. I made this chapter short to get you excited for the next chapter.

I promise that the next chapter will be 2500 - 3000 words. To make up for how long it took me to update. Please forgive me! I've been busy! I'll update the next chapter on Friday. Have a nice ThanksGiving!!

Please don't forget to.....


Peace out!


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