The Talk

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"Sorry for what I did." Jack told me.

"I had to do it. Anyways you never loved me, so what do you care!" He yelled at me.

"Look at me!! It's all your fault! I apologized to you. But how do you repay me?! By almost killing me you jerk!!" I barked at him.

"Jerk, really! You really don't know how to trash talk, do you?! Also, at least you didn't die. You idiot!" He said.

"And I don't know how to trash talk?! How did you turn into this?! You are a lunatic! You could go to jail!! Why are you acting so STUPID!!" I barked at him.

"At least I didn't brake your freakin heart." He snickered at me.

"Look, I'm so sorry that I hurt you. But I really do love you. Why can't you accept that now?! Stop acting like a bad boy!! What you did really isn't gonna get you anywhere except jail!" I yelled at him.

"Yay!! I don't have to deal with you anymore!" He yelled.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Look at yourself!! What's wrong with you!" I barked at him.

"Wow! Good girl just said something really mean to me." He told me.

"I know you still love me. You just won't admit it. Bad boy loves good girl! Bad boy loves good girl!!" I yelled while getting up.

Jack got mad and grabbed me while dragging the chair. He was holding me. Then it all turned quiet. All we could hear was us breathing hard. When we both kissed.

Then, he put his other hand in my hair. When I didn't know it. He took my bobby pin out of my hair and uncuffed himself.

He was going to leave out the window. Then, he looked back at me. He got off the window and came at me.

"Your my fucking good girl." He said.

Then we kissed, again. He grabbed me and threw me through the window. He was lucky that I landed on plain grass. He grabbed my hand and took me to this house.

That was six blocks away from the hospital. I believed that it was his house because it had family pictures with him in it.

"Why did you take me to your house?" I asked him.

"Just have some alone time." He said.

He took me upstairs and into his room. I sat on his bed and looked around. He then sat right next to me. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

"Do you want to know why I'm really bad?" He said.

"Yes, if it's okay with you?" I responded.

"When I was nine years old my parents got divorced. My dad was addicted to drugs. One night my dad broke into the house drunk and with a girl. I was hiding under the couch. They both started kissing. Then, they went upstairs. I got out from under the couch and headed upstairs. I saw a bra and my dad's Calvin Klein underwear on the floor next to the door.

I didn't know what was going on. I was just a little kid. Then, my mom came home. I went inside the restroom and hid. I heard my mom go upstairs. She opened the door and started yelling shit at them. It looked like they were making out. Then, my mom went to another room and grabbed a gun. She went back to the room where my dad was. She started threatening him. When, my mom had shot my dad on the forehead and his bed buddy.

I was so scared. She ran downstairs and left. I went to the room and saw my dad dead and naked with his bed buddy. I went to the living room and grabbed the house phone. I started dialing 911. When my mom was in front of me. Pointing a gun at my forehead. I thought it was the end for me. When, my mom turned the gun at her and shot herself. Then, I heard a lady saying,"911, what's your emergency?" When I hung up.

I left. I went to my little sister's dance practice and took her to my aunt's house. I told her everything and then me and my sister started living with her. But I was scared. I had to go to a new school. There I met my friends. After a couple months I started dating this girl. At age nine. Then, I knew I had to break up with her. So I did it the meanest way possible.

I threw her in a puddle and dropped a bucket of my aunt's dog poop on her head. I got in big trouble that day. But that was how I fit in with my friends. So of I'm not bad they'll do the same thing to me I'm just afraid. But I promised not to do what my parents did." He said.

"I'm so sorry." I said to him.

I hugged him. We were about to kiss when his little sister came in.

"Ooh, you brought a girl home." She said.

I looked at him.

"Leave already!" He yelled at her.

She left. I looked back at him.

"First time you bring a girl to this house." I told him while laughing.

"Hahaha, so funny." He said while laughing.

"Ooh, bad boy show me what you got." I told him.

"Fine." He said.

He pushed me against his bed and jumped on top of me. We started laughing. Then we kissed.
We got back up again. He took me back home. He was about to leave when I invited him in. I introduced him to my mom. My little brother. I took him upstairs and into my room. I felt so bad and embarrassed. I forgot to do my bed. We both started laughing so hard.

He helped me do my bed and we had a pillow fight. He started throwing pillows at me and me at him. We both layed on my bed. We stared at the ceiling and laughed for no reason.

"Jack, I love you." I said.

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