The end

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Zack's Pov

It's been three days and Allison hasn't woken up. She's still pale and has all her cuts and bruises. She looked dead. She didn't look alive and healthy. We asked the doctor if she was in a coma because it's been three days. He just told Jack and I that its a normal thing about the recovering. If she doesn't wake up in about two weeks then we must worry.

Two days ago she almost died. She was under observation and went into a cardiac arrest. Nurses rushed Jack and I out. All we could hear was Jack biting his nails. Looking at him you could tell that he's in love for her. He'd die for her. But she might die. Jack hasn't left the hospital for even a second. He's still wearing the same clothes from three days ago.

He'd only go to the cafeteria and the restroom. At night he would sleep next to her on his chair. Unlike me. I had to go home. I was smelling fresh and clean. While Jack was dirty and smelled like peaches? He smells weird. Probably  spilled peaches on himself. We are just hoping for Allison to wake up fine.

We both walked to Allison's room when we saw her mother ran out crying. her little brother came out slowly his head facing the ground and tears coming down from his eyes. He rubbed his nose and sniffled. I was about to ask Jack something when he ran inside her room.

I soon ran after him but ended up seeing a sheet over her. I looked at the doctor and he sighed. Jack was just standing a couple feet in front of me. He was just lost in thoughts. He soon got back to reality and started cursing while yanking his hair in the process.

A tear slowly left my ear and trailed its way down my cheek. She couldn't be dead. Not now. ITS ONLY BEEN THREE FREAKING DAYS!!

Why did he have to take her now?! I slowly walked over to her ignoring Jack's rambling. The doctor left the room and before leaving he talked with Jack. I placed my hands on the top of the white sheet. Curling my fingertips inside and slowly yanking the sheet down.

But before I could see her face a nurse came inside and told me not to do that. I obeyed her wishing I didn't. I just wanted to see her one last time. It's all my fault. I should've known what Sabrina would do. Why didn't I see it earlier?!

Sabrina is all kinds of evil. She has no good part in her heart. Looking to my side I saw Jack on his knees crying. I was about to go comfort him but Allison's little brother came in. He was holding a puppy. I recognized it as a Yorkshire Terrier.

"Nena was her dog. I thought she should be here. Since they would always cuddle up in bed." He said slowly. But before he could say something else. He broke down.

It must be hard for him. His older sister died and they never said a goodbye to each other. His tears came rushing out and he hugged Nena in his arms. I walked up to him and hugged him knowing that he needed some comforting.

"I need air, I need ****ing air." Jack said to himself.

He rushed out and left us in the dusts. Soon the nurse told us to leave the room and we did as told. I pet Nena softly and looked into her eyes. She was sad and knew what was going on.

Allison's mother soon came and yanked her son out of my arms.

"It was you and your friends fault for what happened to Allison. YOU TWO GO TO HELL!! You're not invited to the funeral and I don't want to see you two ever in my life! You took something from me. You took my baby from me. I'm not gonna let you take my other baby." She kept ranting on about us not interacting with her.

[ two days later ]

Tomorrow is her funeral. Allison was a big part in my life. She didn't deserve to have her last few days a living hell. She was a good girl and Jack was a bad boy. The two just didn't mix. She probably knew he was too bad for her and she would end up hurt. I never really liked her but she was like the sister I never had.

It hurt watching that sheet over her body. Since Jack and I weren't allowed to the funeral we've been zombies. Jack really wanted to go to her funeral but he can't. He started smoking yesterday and he won't stop.

Allison's death has really affected him. He just wasn't the same Jack I knew and loved. He was my brother I never had. It hurt watching him cry every night and intoxicate himself with the chemicals in smoking. I just couldn't keep watching him like that.

It's been five days since I last saw Allison alive. It feels like years but it wasn't. I just hope that Jack could go on with his life. I guess bad boys don't like good girls. They love good girls. How can we go on with life?


Hey guys and girls. This is the last chapter for this book. I'll be making a sequel. With the same characters. So don't be sad that you won't be seeing anymore. Of the characters. I know but I had to have Allison die to make the sequel work. I'm sorry but I had too. So that's it! The sequel is called Who Do I Choose by me. You can check it out on my profile. Love you all bye.

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