Did Jack Cheat On Me?

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I woke up today only to get a text from Jack telling me that he was outside waiting for me. SHOOT! He is here and I'm not dressed.

I texted him that I would be out in a minute. I quickly got dressed in the cutest clothes and with my hair done to perfection. I grabbed my backpack and left through the door.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Jack asked me.

"Oh, I was eating breakfast." I responded.

He took me to his car and we both left. When we got to school everyone was starring at us like we were famous. We hold hands all the way to the main hall. We kissed and left to class.

When first period was over I went looking for Jack. I went to his locker only to find him kissing his ex- girlfriend.

He pushed her aside and told her, "What's wrong with you I'm dating Allison."

He looked to his side only to find me crying my heart out. He tried to apologize to me but I ran to the other direction.

I heard her snicker like a witch. I ran to the restroom only to find Caroline.

"Hey, are you ok?" She asked me.

I ignored her and left to a stall.

"Fine, I'll leave you alone." She said to me.

She left but I heard someone come in. I hoped it wasn't him.

"I'm so sorry! Sabrina jumped up to me and kissed me. I know that hurt you and I'm sorry." Jack yelled.

"If she tttrrriieeeeddd ttttoooo kkkkiiisssssss yyyoouu ttttthhheeennn wwwhhhyyyy aaarrreeee yyyyyooooouuuu aaapppooooollliiigggiiiizziiinngg?!" I said stuttering and crying.

"I'm apologizing because I should've never let her jump on me and kiss me." Jack responded.

The restroom was quiet. He left and said sorry. I was late to class and I'm staying in a bathroom stall. I knew that I had to chat with Mary Grace.

I left and made sure Jack wasn't following me. I entered the Nurse's Office and found Mary Grace. She looked at me worried because I was still crying.

She took me to a room and asked me what had happened. I told her everything. She told me if it was an accident. I ignored the question. She gave me a pill and a cup of water.

I swallowed the pill and drunk the cup of water. She gave me a sleeping pill.

Then I was fast asleep. I woke up during last period really tired. I thanked Mary Grace. She gave me a note to take to the office explaining why I didn't go to my classes. I said goodbye to her and hugged her. I left to the office.

I gave them the note and left. The bell rang and school was finally over. I was still really tired. I walked to the front of the school and stood standing waiting for my mom to pick me up.

When, Jack came up to me and grabbed my hand.

"Allison, forgive me it wasn't my fault." He said to me.

He was about to say something else when I think I passed out.

I woke up in a hospital. I looked to my side and saw Jack sitting next to me. He was also holding my hand. My mom came in and told him to leave and that she would take care of me.

When he left I asked my mom, "What happened I was at school?"

"Shh. Relax and get some rest." She told me.

The doctor came in and told my mom that I passed out because I was really stressed and tired. My mom looked at me and told the doctor if I was going to stay overnight.

"Yes, we need to stable her and watch her. If she is good for the night you can take her home. Also, I recommend you to not take her to school for the whole month." The doctor told my mom.

She agreed. My mom left three hours later. I quickly fell asleep and dreamt about Jack for the whole night.

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