Police Situation!

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Zack and Jack quickly ran outside and looked for Allison. They checked the backyard and the front. Jack was practically pulling his hair out. They met inside again.

"Where could she have gone?" Jack asked.

"I don't know. Wait there must be foot prints!" Zack said.

The both of them walked back to where the window was broken. They went to the other side and saw foot prints. They both followed the footprints in hopes of finding Allison. After walking for minutes, the foot prints ended at a stop. But they were left no where.

They ran to the nearest police station.

"Excuse me, I report a disappearance." Zack told the lady in front of the booth.

"How long has she been missing?" The lady asked.

Zack looked at her name tag. It said, Annabelle.

"Look Annabelle our friend is missing." Zack said.

"How long has she been missing?" Annabelle said.

"An hour or so." Zack replied honestly.

"Look if your friend is missing for another 23 hours or so you can come back and report her missing." Annabelle said.

"Shit! Why won't you fucking look for her now! If we say she's missing, she's missing! That's why we're here for your help. But you fucking won't understand! Stop playing stupid and 24 hours just help us!! Annabelle why won't you help two guys. One of us is her fucking boyfriend and after this you'll know who it is. But I'm not sure now because of how your fucking idiotic mind plays. We all don't give a shit about 24 hours! Many people have gone missing for life because of your 24 hours thing!!! Now stop fucking playing and call some policemen to help us find her. Tell me do you think a girl sleeping for a rest. After a couple minutes the window is broken and she's gone like a flash! Do you think that's normal someone either took her or TOOK HER!! We don't have many options now so won't you FUCKING HELP US FIND HER!!!" Jack yelled at Annabelle. Letting all of his anger go out on her.

Zack gave Jack a look and after a couple minutes or so Jack realized what he said. Annabelle stood there stun.

Before Jack could apologize to her a police man comes and stands by her. He grabs her hands and looks at her in worry. Wondering what made her stun and how. He wanted to beat the life out of someone for making her look like that.

He turned to look at the two boys which gulped. Annabelle stood there still and shocked. Her eyes were wide open and she didn't move an inch. You could see a fly land on the top of her hair which she didn't try to move away.

The policeman took three steps towards the two boys. Sure Jack and Zack were tall but the policeman stood over them like a building. The two boys were able to see his name on his uniform and it said 'Officer Rodney'.

Rodney leaned down to be at the same height as the two boys and looked at them straight in the eyes. He was a couple inches away from Zack's face. Zack could feel his hot and heavy breathing fanning down his face in discomfort.

"Can you please tell me why my girlfriend is stunned out of her life right now!" Rodney yelled at his face trying to spit a lot to make him feel horrible.

Zack wiped all of his spit off his face with his arms and looked at Rodney straight in the eyes. He needed to make an excuse.

"Did you know dating a worker here while technically assaulting two teenage boys is illegal and can get you arrested. So if I were you I'd kiss my girlfriend right now and run before we can make a complaint about you. I don't see us harming her so it must've been someone else and you can't officially blame us." Zack spatted at Rodney sounded like a grown up and his boss.

Rodney's expression changed and he looked back at Annabelle and the the two boys. He thought about what he had said but on his process of thinking Zack and Jack ran out of there laughing. After a while of them running hoping not to see Rodney again they stopped to breathe.

"I can't believe he actually believed what you said. Do you really think that they were dating?" Jack asked Zack.

"Shit yeah! The way he looked at her eyes and held her hands there must've been something going in between them. She's probably his bed buddy and his wife is at home making dinner for her family. Because I saw a ring on his finger and not on hers so they
must've been doing something at his office, his cop car, or their janitors closet." Zack replied.

"SO FREAKING TRUE!!! I saw the ring on his finger but she looked single compared to her outfit. That short skirt with that tight blouse I was practically drooling over her but Allison could've rocked it better." Jack said but blushed a bit when he realized what he said about Allison.

After his blush the two boys remembered about Allison being missing. The two boys thought about her and remembered the stuff they used to do.

"C'mon let's go find her on our own." Zack said to enlighten the mood for the both of them.

Jack considered it for a moment and went with it. Since the police wasn't gonna help them no time soon. The two friends walked back to the footprints to hopefully figure something out to help find Allison.


Ayy!! What's up guys. This is the first book I'm updating for today and it's probably a filler for you guys. I hope you enjoy and feel happy with the more updates I'm gonna do.

So Baii guys and have a nice evening! Love you!!

Don't forget to...






- nenashlove24


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