Start of the Riverland Campaign

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Harrenhal, the Riverlands

131 AC

Silverwing announced her presence with a loud roar. Vermithor greeted his mate happily while Morghul and Tyraxes screeched in unison.

While four dragons may have been overkill, they were going up against the Queen of All Dragons, so Rhaenyra had sent Baelor and Aemon with Laela.

The three dragons landed and Aelyx stood with Cregan Stark.

"Your Graces." Cregan bowed.

"It is good to finally meet you, Lord Cregan. I wish we could meet under better circumstances however." Aemon greeted.

"Can we cut the courtesies?" Baelor muttered.

"I agree. Let's start the war planning." Laela agreed with her future son in law.

War room, Harrenhal

131 AC

"The Crannognmen threw him back when he tried to invade the North. Aemond's burned Seaguard, the Twins, and is marching on Oldstones. We believe their strategy is that if they can't hold the Riverlands, then the Blacks can't have it. Criston Cole is with him and is razing anything and everything." Cregan reported grimly.

"After Oldstones, the Blackwood Vale is the only place standing in-between Aemond and Riverrun." the Dark Knight noted.

Aemon and Baelor had both been knighted, as had Aelyx.

"What of House Bracken and House Blackwood? Their own keeps could be affected." Baelor inquired.

"It turns out the only thing they hate more then death is to not be able to continue their feud." Lady Sabitha Vypren said grimly. "They've made a temporary alliance and ceasefire to work to together in order to stay alive."

"And that alone is a major red flag if they are working together." Aelyx stated dryly.

"We meet him at the Blackwood Vale. Send word to Lords Blackwood and Bracken to shore up their defenses and get the high ground." Laela declared.

"Like Brightwater Keep, this battle is going to decide the fate of the Riverlands in this war." the Silver Knight said. 

That is today's chapter. I hope you have all enjoyed it!

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