1 - Sorting

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I was waiting in the hallway behind a set of two huge doors. On the other side I heard an old guy talking.

?: Please welcome the one and only Alyssienna Nott walked in and continued to walk straight up to the chair that sat beside him. I prayed that I was sorted into Slytherin cause I wouldn't want to be a disgrace to my father.

" Slyhterin" the hat shouted

I walked over to the Slytherin table after getting my uniform. I noticed the back of an all to familiar boy.

Alyssienna: Mind If I sit here

?: Of- oh my Merlin if it isn't my favorite person

Alyssienna: Hey Max

Max: Hi

We hugged before I sat down in between Pansy and him.

Max: How have you been

Alyssienna: I've been alright

We sat there and talked while eating before it was time to go back to our dorms. We went to the common room and I went to my private room. I mean I'm a Nott. What do you expect. I went to bed. The next morning this is what i pulled on for the day.\/

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Max and I met up in the common room before going to class

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Max and I met up in the common room before going to class. After a few classes we went to lunch.

At Lunch*

Draco: Have you told your brother that you're a Slyhterin

Alyssienna: Draco it was destined for me to be a Slyhterin if not I probably would've run back to my old school cause if I wasn't a slyhterin I would be a disappointment

Max: Alyssienna a Nott disappointment since when Theodore maybe but Alyssienna you never

Max and I laughed. Max whispered in my ear when you're going to commit my first prank on a professor. I told him when Draco hops off my back. 

After lunch we went to our last classes. My very last class was care of magical creatures. After class I went to the common room and was welcomed by Pansy the one and only female version of my best friend.

Pansy: So it's been a while since we last saw each other how are you

Alyssienna: I've been better

Pansy and I sat there talking till everyone came in and I went up to my room. I went to bed without dinner. See that's the thing I either eat lunch or dinner never both iot makes me gain too much weight.

A few months later(sorry too lazy to write everyday down)

It's Christmas break and I'm currently sat in the Malfoy house at a table surrounded by death eaters.

Voldemort: So Alyssienna would you be willing to work with/for me

Alyssienna: Of course

He walks over and gives me the death eater mark. I didn't want to do this but Max got his last year along with Draco and I didn't want to be the only one.

Voldemort: Alright so this year is going to be you up coming 5th of magical school correct

Alyssienna: Yes my lord

Voldemort: Alright good now I know my son will have someone to look out for and protect

Backstory of Voldemort and Alyssienna coming soon

We all ate dinner and afterwards everyone left. it was only Voldemort and I left at the table.

Voldemort: Thank you you Alyssienna

Alyssienna: Your welcome VOldy

We sat there and talked about Hogwarts for a while before deciding to leave and go to bed. The next morning I woke up and ran downstairs. We opened presents. Theodore got the newest broom for quiditch, I got a new journal and we all enjoyed life and had a fun time. I get to go to the yule ball next year and my mother swore she would take me dress shopping when the time came. Soon it was time to go back to Hogwarts with in a few days. we packed then we left for the train after arriving at Hogwarts we all went to the common room and talked about what we got for Christmas without friends. I said not a word about getting the mark or even Voldemort's son coming next year. We all then went to bed.

 The next few months

These past few months have been fun but in about 3 months it's summer break and we get to go home for a while. I'm currently in potions class working on the luck potion.

pronounced: Alyssienna (Alys- Siena)

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