9 - The Argument

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I've been trying to ignore Mattheo since the party as you can see it's not going very well. I'm currently sitting in the courtyard talking to Oliver Wood, Hermione, Luna and Blaise.

Luna: So how are you and riddle Alyssienna

Hermione: Yeah

Alyssienna: We're ok we haven't really talked in a while but we're ok

Oliver: Oh

Alyssienna: Yeah

Blaise: Alright you guys this is weird

Luna: What's weird

Alyssienna: How I used  to hate any other house other than slytherin yet I'm in love with the ravenclaw house like their colors are so pretty

I looked around to see Draco, Mattheo, Theodore, Lorenzo, and Pansy leaning against the wall next to us listening. Once it was lunch time I went to my dorm. I hung out and enjoyed the silence. Soon there was a knock on my door. I let the person in only to find out it was Mattheo.

Mattheo: You ok

Alyssienna: I'm fine

Mattheo: Then why are you avoiding me

Alyssienna: I don't know

Mattheo: Yes you do

Alyssienna: When Pansy kissed you at the party it hurt thinking about how that could've been me instead of her

Soon enough Pansy walked in with Blaise, Theodore, and Draco.

Pansy: Mattheo baby what are you doing in here with her

Mattheo: Pansy she's my girlfriend you aren't

Pansy: But we kissed at the party

Mattheo: No you kissed me

Pansy: Why can't you be mine 

Alyssienna: He doesn't want you Pansy gosh can't you be happy for me at least once

Pansy: Whatever my Dad doesn't hurt me nor did my best friend commit in front of me

There it is the things she swore to never bring up. Soon enough Lorenzo, Luna, Oliver, and Hermione walked in.

Mattheo: Wood

Oliver: Riddle

Hermione: Parkinson

Pansy: Granger

Draco: Berkshire

Lorenzo: Malfoy

Alyssienna: Lovegood, Nott

Theodore: Great

Alyssienna: Now that we all know each other get out of my dorm

I screamed the last part.

Alyssienna: Except for you Mattheo you can stay

Mattheo sat down beside me on my bed as I sat there silently.

Mattheo: How are you feeling

 I felt tears in my eyes, I brought up a hand to cover my face and when I try to speak my voice is all high pitched and wobbly.

Alyssienna: I feel like s#!t

Mattheo hugged me while he kissed my fore head repeatedly. We ended up laying down and falling asleep cuddling. The next morning we woke up and got ready before going our separate ways to our classes. My first class was potions. After class I went to care of magical creatures then charms, transfiguration, history of Magic, defense against the dark arts, astronomy, and herbology. After all my classes I went and ate dinner before going back to my dorm, changing and going to bed.The next morning I woke up and got ready and went to find Mattheo. We walked out and were on our way to our classes when he went to talk to Blaise. Cedric soon walked up to me as I stood there with Hermione.

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