16 - Solo performance

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Imagine this is a female voice/\

I started singing and everyone stood up and walked on to the dance floor. I used my wand to make drums plays as a part of the song sped up then they disappeared near the end. Once it was over I went back to my room and changed into a more comfortable outfit. I wiped my makeup off rinsed my hair out and laid down in bed soon I was asleep with my back to my door when I woke up about an hour later to the place next to me on my bed sinking in. I heard a voice that I know was going to ruin me.

Mattheo: Hey baby I know you're asleep and you probably don't want to hear from me right now but I'm so so sorry about earlier tonight I got jealous and wanted to make you jealous back I shouldn't have kissed Saya and if you want med to leave that's all you have to say and I'll walk out right now

Alyssienna: Mh-hmm

And with that he walked out. Tomorrow is Christmas break so I fell asleep and in the morning I was going to pack my stuff and leave. The next morning that's exactly what we all did. We packed our stuff and went our separate ways. Theodore, Mattheo, Ethan, Draco, and I headed off to the Malfoy Manor. Once we reached there I saw 2 people I thought I would never see again.

Mom: Hey guys

Alyssienna: Who are you and why are you pretending to be my mother *pointing my wand at her*

Mom: I am your mom Rowena you got your middle name from me

Theodore: Tell us something only our mother would know *tears in his eyes*

Mom: Theodore when you were 10 you broke you wrist over the summer and was in a cast and were miserable so in return Alyssienna figured out a way to break her wrist so that you guys could be twins and also so you wouldn't feel left out for everything

I dropped my things and ran to her. I hugged her tightly.

Alyssienna: Dad us you died

I was slowly pulling myself out of her grip.

Mom: That's what we agreed to he said he didn't want me to be your guys' mother so I left and when you got older he would tell you I died

Theodore: We were abused... ABUSED by our own Father Alyssienna taking most of the hits cause she looks like you how could you just leave us like that

That's when Max stepped out from behind her and I had fully broken. He walked up and sat beside me rubbing my back and holding my on the cold sidewalk.

Alyssienna: How are you here I watched you die

Max: You're mom came 2 days after I dead and she brought me back

Alyssienna: Oh my gosh I've missed you so much yule ball was terrible it hurt to even go with him Max and a night on a full moon I went to the astronomy tower and talked to the moon like I was talking to you

Max: I know babes I know

Alyssienna: You were gone I watched you die... I read those notes they were so sweet I'm so glad that you're back oh gosh I don't know if I could've gone any longer with out you

He picked me up bridal style and started carrying me before he stopped and turned around.

Max: Mattheo will you grab her bags

We then went inside and up to my room were he sat me on my bed and Mattheo brought in my bags. After he sat my bags down he looked at Max and I hurt before walking out.

Alyssienna: He cheated at yule ball his ex arrived and he cheated on me with her a yule ball trying to make me jealous... I love him so much and I hate myself for it and I want to forgive him for it but I can't Max I just can't

Max: I know.... I know

Soon Mattheo walked in while Max and I were catching up.

Mattheo: Max will you leave for a minute I would like to talk to Alyssienna in private

Alyssienna: No he stays

Mattheo: Ok then...

Max: Ok

Mattheo: I know what I did was wrong and I know I don't deserve you Alyssienna I also know that you can't even look at me without feeling betrayed right now, I understand I shouldn't have let her kiss me and I shouldn't have kissed her back... I know you're hurting and I'll leave you alone till you're ready to talk to me but I just wanted to let you know that I love, care, and adore you Alyssienna Rowena Nott you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me but I still want to be your boyfriend and if you still want to be my girlfriend please let me know when you're ready

I could HEAR the tear pouring down his face and the voice cracks that happened when he was talking and it completely broke me that I moved so fast before he could even reach for the door knob I stood up and ran over to him. I slapped him i know I wouldn't have but he deserved it.

Mattheo: Ok I deserve that

I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

Max: Alright I'll take that as my cue to go see Ethan and I'll be back when I'm done

Alyssienna: Alright

As soon as Max was out of the room and the door was closed I cupped Mattheo's face and kissed him. I smiled and looked up at him after I pulled away.

Alyssienna: Gosh I missed that but just know this is your last chance and if you screw up we're done we go back to strangers

Mattheo: Then I swear on my life I won't screw up

Alyssienna: Alright I'm gonna hold it to you Mattheo Tomas Riddle

Mattheo: Yes ma'm Alyssienna Rowena Nott

He started tickling me and I tried to get away but that was no use.

Alyssienna: Mattheo stop please stop I gotta go potty

Mattheo: Fine once you go potty you owe me cuddles

Alyssienna: Ok

I walked into my bathroom and went potty before walking back out to see Max and Mattheo talking about how Ethan doesn't want Max anymore and how he's moved on. Max stood up and hugged me.

Alyssienna: You can stay in here tonight

That's what happened we all laid down and soon enough from all the catching up and crying we were exhausted and instantly fell asleep. 

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