3 - Life Of The Favorite Nott Child

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I'm currently sitting in my dorm doing absolutely nothing when all the sudden Max busts in.

Alyssienna: Can I help you

Max: Ally come on Draco went to get you food let's go prank him

We ran over to Draco's private room and put a balloon of green glitter above his door and then we stuck a needle on his door so that when he opened it the balloon popped on him. We then ran back to my room. Soon enough Draco knocked on my door. 

Alyssienna: Come in

Draco walked in and we soon heard Pansy yell ' Alyssienna Rowena Nott.... Draco Lucius Malfoy what the Merlin' Max and I laughed Draco soon joining us

Alyssienna: That was meant for you but on Pansy that's so much better

Max: Yeah

Draco: Serves her right for being in my room without me

Pansy the stormed into my room covered in green glitter.

Pansy: Really guys

Max: Shouldn't have been in Draco's room without him in there

Draco: I love you guys

Max: Love you too bro no homo though

Draco handed me my food before he and Pansy walked out,

Max: You didn't say it back to Draco... why

Alyssienna: Cause... I rather have loyalty than love

Max: Why

Alyssienna: Cause love really don't mean jack see love is just a feelin' you can love somebody and still stab 'em in their back, it don't take much to love, like you can love somebody just by being attached, see loyalty is an action but you can love or hate me and still have my back

Max: That's true

I ate food aka my dinner before Max left and I went to bed. the next morning I pulled open my uniform before leaving for my classes. Today I decided to eat lunch so after all my classes I went straight to my dorm and went to bed. The next morning was the same thing but I ate dinner in my dorm and went to bed  

A few months later

I have 2 months left before I can go home and enjoy my summer before coming back and doing my 5th year of Hogwarts. I'm currently in transfiguration after this class I can go back to my dorm and hang out with Max.Soon the bell rang and I went back to my dorm. I walked in and there sat a crying Max.

Alyssienna: What's wrong

Max: Ethan broke up with me

Alyssienna: Well forget him

Max: I feel like dying

Alyssienna: Like hypothetically or...

Max: No like for real death and funeral type of thing

Alyssienna: How why... wait

Max: Like jumping off the astronomy tower type of death

Alyssienna: Why

Max: Cause Ally I'm questioning why my purpose here anymore

Alyssienna: Bro why ar-... why are you thinking about doing that to yourself... why would you even question your purpose here, do you know how precious you are... how- you're everything... why are you thinking about doing this to yourself just because of a bad day or a bad week or somebody who isn't important broke you that's life... like that's literally life itself... I-i- I mean I get you feel hurt you might feel betrayed a bit you might feel like why in the world did you do this or why is this happening to me everything happens for a reason whether you want to believe it or not, and just so you know the only reason you are the person you are today is because of all the past did to you... so thank yourself for that at least

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