21~ War's End

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I pulled my shoes off cause they were hurting my feet and let me tell you it's hard fighting in 4 inch heels. I was walking towards them when I heard someone yelling my name. I turned and saw Molly and Ginny walking a little ways towards me.

Molly: I once knew your mother and she always said she'd have a daughter who was a warrior no savior nor a villain but when in danger she shall be a savage warrior who run barefoot when fighting

I began to speak as Narcissa, Draco, and Mattheo walked up to my side. Mattheo wapped an arm around my shoulder while I held Narcissa's hand.

Alyssienna: I am my mother's savage daughter, the one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones

Draco: She indeed is her mother's savage daughter

Alyssienna: I will not cut my hair nor will I ever lower my voice

We all four walked past the death eater and as we began down the bridge I stopped and turned to face everyone yelling.

Alyssienna: My mother's child is a savage*turning back towards Narcissa and the boys*

Remembering that Enola was inside I haulted and took off running back to the castle. I ran inside shouting for Enola. I heard her shout my name but weakly shouting 'Alyssienna, sis, help i'm stuck'. I ran to where I heard her and I saw her covered in rubble. I felt tears clouding my vision and without hesitation I started crying while uncovering her. Once she was uncover I noticed the a bar had impaled her abdomen.

Enola: I'm sorry Alyssienna I should've stuck by your side

Alyssienna; Hey it's ok you're going to be ok I promise

Enola: I-i can't feel anything*started coughing up blood*

Alyssienna: Alright hold on

I roppied off a sleeve from my rob and pulled the piece of metal from her abdomen instant;ly tying my sleeve around her. I ripped off the other sleeve doing the same then I slid my robe off and stuffed it in between her body and the sleeves. I helped her up and put one of her arms around my shoulder. I held on to her arms and waist and helped her walked out.

Alyssienna:*yelling and crying* Draco, Mattheo... Tom, .... Narcissa anyone please help me

I tripped over a rock making both Enola and I fall to the ground. I noticed she was losing too much blood. At this point I was infront of everyone. Mattheo, Draco, Tom, and Narcissa being the only ones on the death eaters side.

Alyssienna: Come on Enola let's get up and go

I lifted her up once more. I noticed her going really pale to I tapped her face with my hand a few times.

Enola: I'm so sorry Alyssienna but I'm not going to make it home

Alyssienna: No don't say that come on

As we continued to walk I felt her getting heavier and heavier realization set in that she was giving up on fighting to stay alive. Soon enough it happened she was moving nor was she breathing. Her weight was too much and she fell to the ground. I looked over at her and dropped to my knees letting everyone see me in this vulnerable broke state that I hide from them. I let out a scream of pain and hurt. I am the only Nott left

Alyssienna: Merlin sake why does this always happen 

I decided that I wasn't going to be vulnerable in front of everyone so I stood up, brushed myself off looked down at Enola one more time.

Alyssienna: Will some one put her with the rest of the dead

I walked over to the boys and Narcissa. I wrapped an arm around Mattheo's waist and he put an arm around my shoulders and we all walked off towards the Malfoy Manor. We talked on the way there. 

Narcissa: I'm sorry about what you've been put through these past few years Alyssienna

Alyssienna: It's alright I have these 3 amazing boys in my life that have helped me through it

Draco: That's right darling

Alyssienna: No need to be a smart mouth Draco

Tom: There's always a need

Draco: Exactly

Alyssienna: Boys shut up

Draco: Or what you gonna slit one our throats with a fan

Alyssienna: Yes actually

19 years later

Mattheo and I had our own kids and are married, our oldest 11 year old son was going to hogwarts today, His name is TJ standing for Theodore junior. Our youngest 2 are 8 and 3. The 8 year old is named Bellatrix named after my oldest best friend and our 3 year old is named Enola after her aunt. We were walking to the train when we saw Draco and his family. He walked further ahead of his family and held open his arms.

Draco: Bring it in A

I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Alyssienna: Gosh it's been so long D i missed you

Draco: I missed you too

He kissed my fore head then we went back to our families, Tj and Scorpius told us all goodbye before boarding the train. We all walked toward each other.

Austria: Hey guys

Alyssienna: Hi Austria*hugging the  girl*

Mattheo: gosh Draco never knew you had a thing with girl that had a name that started with an A thought it was always a P

We all laughed. We talked for a while before parting our ways. We went back home and watched a movie. 


I hope you all enjoyed this book. I  hope you read some of my other books too.

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