18 - His Room And More

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I'm currently standing in his room looking for any clue that could give me a lead on what happened to him 4 years ago. I soon heard footsteps so I hid in his closet. I heard the door open ' oh bloody hell if this is how I die spare me' I said to myself in my head. I was panicking until I heard an all to familiar voice.

?: You can come out now Alyssienna I know you're in the closet you always hid there during hide and seek

The steps got closer and I didn't want to believe that it was him well that was until I saw his face and felt his arms wrap around me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his torso.

Alyssienna: Where have you been

Tom: Well I've been in my chambers

Alyssienna: Really and you couldn't bother to come and see me

Tom: My Father wanted to know that we didn't depend on each other to live cause he said we are so much more alike than the others

Alyssienna: Tom.... there's something you should know

Tom: What did Mattheo do what did my father do

Alyssienna: Actually this was my father this time

Tom: Theodore and I will kill him

Alyssienna: I already did... I killed him after he killed my mother and Theodore

Tom: Where's Theodore's body

Alyssienna: Our spot under a pile of rocks with his name engraved into a huge rock

Tom: Can we go see it

Alyssienna: Of course let me go get dressed

Tom: Here just put these on

He handed me a pair of grey sweats and a puffy jacket. I pulled them on he pulled on the same thing and then we walked out. On our way there we talked just catching up I explained everything that happened between Mattheo and I including the "break" that we're on or whatever but this whole break thing is just Mattheo's way of saying 'hey I want to kis other girls and what not without feeling guilty. Once we arrived there Tom stood there staring at it before he took a deep breath that he didn't think he needed to take.

Tom: Hey Theo it's me Tom and I just wanted you to know that I'm back and that I promise to protect Alyssienna from everything this world throws her way see you later mate

With that we made our way back to the house. ON the way back I ended up getting tired so Tom carried me on his back all the way back to the house. I must have fell asleep on the way back the next thing I know I'm laying on the couch waking up to Mattheo screaming at Tom.

Mattheo: We just got out of the relationship

Tom: That's your fault you left her and now what you expect her to keep her heart locked up from everyone else I mean look at her she's basically the Slytherin Princess cause every guy wants her

Mattheo: Yeah trust me I know how stupid I am now

Soon Narcissa and Bellatrix walk in. They hug Tom as I sit up.

Narcissa: Now... what's going on

Bellatrix: Can't you see Cissa my boys are falling for the Nott girl but she has feelings for Mattheo even though he called quits after she poured her heart out to him

Mattheo: How do you know that

Bellatrix: I have my ways

Narcissa: Draco and Max told her

Bellatrix: Now darling Tell us what has happened throughout the day

Alyssienna: Alright

Draco, Max, Pansy, Ethan, and Blaise all walked in and stood next to Bellatrix and Narcissa.

Alyssienna: Well the boy that I loved sat me down earlier, let me pour my heart out, then he told me that it's over-

Tom: Dumb decision

Pansy: She don't wanna feel how her heart was ripping

Alyssienna: In fact I don't even wanna feel

Narcissa hugged me before her and Bellatrix grabbed a hold of Mattheo and drug him out of the room. Tom sat beside me and pulled me on to his lap. But I quickly stood up.

Alyssienna: I'm sorry but I can't... not right now

I was walking away when I heard Bellatrix yell at Narcissa to get out of the room and that she was going to handle it. I also heard Narcissa yell that she was staying. I heard them start yelling at Mattheo so I busted into the room and grabbed Mattheo's hand pulling him out with me. I pulled him up and into my room closing the door behind me.

Mattheo: Listen I didn't want to break up with you but Pansy said that if I didn't she was going to hurt you and I couldn't let that happen-

Alyssienna: She could never hurt me... she's too weak

We laughed before I cupped his face and kissed him. After we pulled apart I smiled up at him.

Alyssienna: Next time someone says something like that tell me about it and I'll show them who will really get hurt

Mattheo: Alright

We hugged tightly before kissing again. I looked up and smiled at the curly headed, brown eyed boy that I call mine.

Alyssienna: Promise me I'll always be your's and you'll always be mine and only mine

Mattheo: I promise I'm only yours and you're mine and only mine

I leaned up on my tippy toes planting a few kisses on his face before we laid down and cuddled soon falling asleep in each other's embrace. The next morning they woke up to a band basically playing in their ears. They sat up and looked around only to Max standing there laughing. They laughed before pushing Max out, closing the door, and getting ready to go to the station. After they reached 9 3/4 they all boarded the train and waited till they started moving. They were all talking about Draco's mission but they were using their code language and everything they even talked about this year and how it'll be weird without Theodore. Soon the train came to a stop and they arrived at Hogwarts. They all stood up and walked out of the train Draco lingering a little longer than others. Alyssienna waited outside for him. Once he walked out he noticed Alyssienna and then they soon started walking over to Hogwarts. Once they were there they went into the great hall and sat down.

Dumbledore: Hello students of Hogwarts and welcome back  sadly one of our students under the name of Theodore Nott has passed away over the break

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