15 - The finally

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Gryffindor went first and sang Teenage Dream. They did really good I even had a thought that we were gonna lose actually I knew we were going to loose Oliver pulled a smooth move by walking over to me and pulling me into the middle of the dance floor and danced with me as he sang. After they were done and it was our turn. Pansy  a little dance routine put in by myself for the song while I sang. I started to sing 'Wish You Were Gay' by Billie Eilish.\/

Pansy's dance . /\

After we were done we found out that Gryffindor won. I went over to congratulate Oliver but Mattheo tried to stop me.

Alyssienna: What are you doing

Mattheo: What am I doing what are you doing

Alyssienna: Going to congratulate Oliver but you tried to stop me

Mattheo: Tried I did

I ripped away fro his grip and walked over towards where Oliver sat. I heard whispers as I walked over ' look at Alyssienna, why she going over to the gryffindor table, probably has a crush on Olly, How much you wanna bet she'll start an argument with him, etc.' I reached Oliver and tapped on his shoulder. He turned to look at me and I smiled.

Oliver: Oh hey Alyssienna... I'm sorry about the win I know how important it was to you

Alyssienna: Actually that's not but is the reason I came over if that makes any sense

Ron: Then why did you come over here

Alyssienna: I wanted to say congratulations on winning and it was fun dancing with you Oliver

Oliver: Thank you I had fun too

As I got ready for my last slow song performance I heard whispers about how odd it was for me to be nice to a competing house and a house that slytherin were meant to hate. Once I was ready I took a deep breath before speaking.

Alyssienna: If I could have everyone's attention that would be perfect

Everyone turned in their seats to look at me including Mattheo and Saya. 

Alyssienna: Thank you

Oliver: No problem darling

I laughed cause I could see the jealousy in Mattheo's eyes

Alyssienna: Alright so this song is a fast kind of pace and it's called Before you

I let Hermione play the piano for a while before I started singing.

Short chapter sorry IDK if the next one will be short. I apologize just felt like I alrready had enough videos in this chapter!

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