5 - 5th Year

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Once we were at Hogwarts the boys and I went into the great hall. Dumbledore announced Mattheo and he got sorted into Slytherin. We all clapped and cheered for him. He came and sat beside me. We all talked before eating dinner and heading off to our common room. We all went to bed the next morning. We went to classes. I ate lunch in my room with Theodore, Mattheo, Draco,Pansy, Blaise, and Luna. We all sat there talking and eating. Soon we all went to the rest of our classes. After classes I went back to my dorm changed into a hoodie Max bought me pulled on some shorts and went down in the common room and waited for everyone to get back from dinner. Luna walked in with Blaise.

Luna: Why weren't you at dinner

Alyssienna: I don't dinner if I ate lunch

Luna: Why's that

Blaise: She always have

Blaise kissed Luna's fore head before she left and he came and sat beside me on the couch.

Blaise: How are you

Alyssienna: I'm ok I could be better if he was here

Blaise: Yeah I get that I feel the same way

We hugged.

Blaise: He was close with everyone even people from other houses

Alyssienna: Yeah he was pretty hard to hate

Blaise: Yeah

We sat there in a comfortable silence enjoying each others presents till the rest of them came in and I went up to my dorm. I decided to go to bed. So I took off the necklace and went to bed. The next morning I woke up to a guitar. I looked around only to see Draco and when my eyes fully opened the guitar disappeared and I sat up Draco tackling me in a hug.

Alyssienna: Morning to you too Dray

Draco: Morning now come on get ready so we can go to our classes

See Draco and I had every class together so it made my classes worth while going to. He walked out of my room closing the door behind him so that I could get ready.After I was ready I pulled on the necklace and my bracelet before grabbing my books and walking out of my dorm and into the common room only to see Draco waiting on me. We soon left for our first class. Potions. We sat next to each other as Snape started to explain what potion we were doing Draco and I studied for it. after all of our classes and lunch we went back to my dorm and hung out for a while. I know this might seem rude but in the last few months I've barely talked to anyone. Blaise, Luna and Draco have been the first. Even when we all sat in my room eating dinner I didn't talk to anyone I just listened to them talk, zoned out, and ate.

Draco: You've been distant lately Ally

Alyssienna: Yeah well it isn't that easy losing a childhood friends so

Draco: Yeah I know

Alyssienna: And all because Bellatrix had to prove that I wasn't a 'good enough' guard to protect Mattheo she had to kill him

Draco: I know... I know how it feels, come here

I quickly stood up and looked at him.

Alyssienna: No you don't know how it feels... you didn't grow up with him or go to the same school as him for 3 years

Draco: Ok I'm not going to sit here and act like I know what you're going through but Max's death affected everyone like have you even checked on Theodore lately or even Ethan or possibly Mattheo... No i didn't think so

He's yelling at, why is he yelling at me

Alyssienna: You're going to make everyone come in here

Draco: Good

Alyssienna: Please stop yelling

Draco continued to yell and it started scaring me.

Draco: I may not have gone to school with him for 3 years or grew up with him but I have known him for 2 years and his death has caused me so much pain

I started to yell back I was tired of him thinking he could yell at me because of this and when I went to yell back tears started flowing down my cheeks.

Alyssienna: Alright you think I'm the bad person at least I had the decency to check on Pansy has anyone else I don't think so I haven't even seen her leave her room besides today for lunch... did you check on her,  didn't think so... and why now out of all the time

Draco started to speak softly as my voice rose I could see the hurt in his eyes I've never yelled at anyone besides my dad after hurting Theo after something I did.

Draco: What

Alyssienna: Out of the past few months you now come and get me out of bed.... now you want to come and check on me... now you're worried about me why huh- why

Draco looked hurt but yet he raised his voice again.

Draco: Cause I thought you would want time I knew you would just push me away how you did when your mom passed... it hurts me to see how broken you are inside

Alyssienna: Don't bring my bloody mother into this.... she has nothing to do with this plus I don't see why it hurts you so much now I mean when my mom died you forced your way back into my life multiple times when I tried to push you away but yet you wouldn't cause that's the type of friend you are you don't leave unless you have a good reason

Draco threw a vase at the wall behind me, smashing on impact. Out fell the dead roses that Max had given me after my mother had died.

Alyssienna: Get out now

Draco walked closer to me but I moved.

Draco: I'm so-

Alyssienna: I said get out

I yelled it at the top of my lungs hoping that if he doesn't leave someone will come and drag him out. He wouldn't leave.

Alyssienna: I said leave

Draco: No not till you talk to me 

Alyssienna: There's nothing to talk about

Draco stepped closer.

Draco: Talk to me you filthy mud blood

I then kicked his legs out from under him making him fall on his stomach. I put my knee on his back and pushed his head into the floor. Mattheo, Pansy, Blaise and Theodore

Alyssienna: Don't all me a mud blood

I said softly holding him there for a while

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