I Love You

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The Vibe:

I find myself walking in Kissena park, the same park where I was buried. I know this is a dream for 2 major reasons, 1 being, I don't ever come back here. Something about here makes me feel a profound sadness, something I can feel deep in my soul; I usually avoid this part of town as it's too much for me to handle. My 2nd reason is that the sky was filled with a blue and purple hue, not something we usually see here in New York. As I walk along the trails of the park I find myself walking toward the lake where I was found at.

I decided to sit at the edge of the lake and watch the water ripple as I drag my hand along the top of the water. The city streets weren't booming with music and laughter as usual; It was quiet and peaceful.

"My, how beautiful you've become." I hear a woman say behind me. I turn to look at her and it was my mother. She was barefoot and dressed in white robes, her face was so similar to mine, it threw me off; but unlike myself, she looked content and at peace, there was no worry or pain written in her face like that flashback I saw of her.

Without saying a word to her I just stand and hug her, "Mom" I whisper and begin to softly cry

She holds me tightly rubbing my back, "My sweet child, I'm here now." I cry in her arms for a good 5 mins before I spoke up.

"Sorry for the waterworks" I chuckle nervously and pull away," I don't know what came over me."

"Don't apologize for releasing your feelings, my love. It's good for you, you really should do that more often. You bottle up everything, ever since you were little."

"I wouldn't know, perks of being an amnesiac" I laugh initially but then pause, "I mean no disrespect, but how would you know mom? You died..."

"Death is not the end child." she says holding the side of my face, "I've been there with you, every step of the way. Watching over you, here in the ancestral plane" She replies

"Ancestral Plane? Here? We're in it right now?" I ask and she nods "How am I able to be here? I didn't eat the heart-shaped herb "

"You're a sorceress Millaenyia, you have always been able to access this plane" I just look at her trying to process as she continues, "The Astral Dimension is made up of several planes that correspond to different afterlives. Asgardians to Valhalla, Ennead to Duat, and Wakandans to the Ancestral Plane. As a sorceress and especially as a direct descendant of Ayesha, you can easily travel here just as you breathe air."

"I've been here before, well somewhere similar, with-" I Begin

"Namor's mother" She finishes "lovely woman by the way."

"Oh my god, you've met her?" I ask

"We've become acquainted as of late" She smiles

I hold my head in my hands, "Oh god so you know about my unconscious love spell" I ask

"Yes I do" she laughs, "Oh don't be embarrassed, we both know I've done way worse with my magic." she nervously laughs

I see where I get my humor from

"Too soon" I laugh, "but seriously what were you thinking? Why risk so much? I'm trying not to be negative about this situation but I really could have used your guidance, maybe I wouldn't have ended up buried in a lake with no memory. Which by the way, is truly traumatic." I pause and recollect myself, "I'm sorry I'm not being fair. I'm just lost and confused and I need my mom"

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