Me? You? Us?

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The Vibe: 

"Please don't kill me, take whatever you want please." She begs, "I don't want to die" and cries

"My son didn't want to die either" I hiss

"I don't know what you're talking about" She cries further

"You will," I say before simply tapping her temple and undoing the spell Wanda left. A brush of purple energy fades across her revealing her true self; her hair back to its wild curly length and her clothes returning to her witch garb.

"Wait, wait, wait Wanda Don't!" she yells

"Not Wanda," I say simply waving at her.

Looking at me and around the room, she breathes, "What-" She starts, "Wanda was just here... How long have I been under?.." She stops again smiling ever so softly, "I'm free" She whispers

"Think again," I say looking down at her.

Her smile faded, finally realizing who I am, "...No... You're dead"

I grab her hand and place it to my heart, "No Agatha I'm very much alive" I say letting her feel my heartbeat before leaving a menacing kiss on her hand, "We have a lot to talk about"

Agatha's denial resonates through the room, echoing against the walls as she struggles to comprehend the impossible. Fear flickers in her eyes, a subtle glimmer that she quickly masks with defiance.

My eyes bore into Agatha's, the weight of centuries of betrayal simmering beneath her controlled facade. The room crackles with a dark energy, a storm on the verge of breaking.

"I've been searching for you," I say with contempt pushing her hand away from me as I sit on the lazy boy next to the couch, "So where is he?" I simply ask while reaching my hand out commanding my beer to me and drinking it.  

Agatha, still reeling from the shock of my unexpected return, stammers for words. Her eyes widen, pupils dilating as she grapples with the impossible reality before her. The air thickens with the weight of our shared history, a silent understanding of the sins she committed against me.

I fix Agatha with a penetrating gaze, demanding answers that have festered for centuries. "Where is he, Agatha?" I repeat, my voice low and filled with an eerie calm.

Agatha, now fully aware of the gravity of the situation, feigns innocence. She attempts to play on the lingering emotions from our shared past, perhaps hoping that the bond we once had will protect her.

"Millie, dear, you were always like a daughter to me," Agatha says, her tone dripping with false warmth. "Where have you been, I thought you were dead."

I scoff at her attempt to manipulate. "Save the theatrics, Agatha. I know what you did." My eyes narrow, the intensity of my gaze penetrating through her facade. "You led him to me. You let him destroy my life, and you took my child."

Seeing that her usual motherly lies no longer work on me, her eyes darken "You shouldn't be alive," Agatha finally with her voice clear as day. 

"But I am," I respond, my tone unwavering. "And I want to know where he took my child."

Agatha glances around the room, searching for a way out of this confrontation. "You were supposed to be dead. He said he would easily kill you ." Her words hang in the air, an admission of her complicity in the horrors of my past.

"He failed," I say coldly. "Now, Where. Is. He?"

"I. Don't. Kno-"


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