Chapter 4

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A couple of years later, Athena was known as the last sorcerer in her family, the only powerful sorcerer of all, and the prettiest maiden of Asgard. She had a slim body and pale skin; her brown hair reflecting against the light, her brown eyes as brown as an oak tree, and her lips as red as an apple. People could see why they think she is the prettiest of Asgard.
But during those years, she never spoke with Loki or Thor, and not once did they ever see each other during the years. Loki and Athena was obviously upset about this, but seeing Loki or Thor kept reminding her about her parents when they used to have lunch together - it's bad enough that the King and Queen are like parents to her. Since then, Athena was home-schooled, and learnt more on her magic from private lessons with Frigga or the books at the Library. Now that Athena is a young adult now, she can leave whenever she liked; but she decided not to, and just stay at the palace. The home her and her parents used to live in is still hers, but she only goes there to get away from any kind of stress. That was the way Athena's life went. Wake up, eat breakfast, go out and practise her magic, read, learn some fighting skills, have dinner, and go to bed. That was her scheduel, until Loki and her met again after all those years. . .
One day, Athena was walking back to her room from a late night at the Library, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice. "Athena?"
Athena gasped in shock, dropping her books while doing so. She ignored the books for a while, and whirled around to see someone in the shadows, away from the light. "Who's that?" Athena called out, conjuring a fire in her hand. She shone it to the shadow, to see someone she didn't expect to see. "P-Prince Loki?" she stuttered, putting her fire out.
"I thought I told you to just call me Loki?" Loki wondered, stepping into the light, grinning softly. Loki had grown since the last time they met when they were kids. He's taller, his black hair longer as well (past his ears), his green eyes more brighter and filled with mischief, his skin also a pale colour. He wore a green, gold and black armour, daggers around his waist. He was a handsome young man.
"We were just naïve little kids." Athena muttered, staring down at her shoes.
"Still," Loki said, stepping closer to her, "I have known you since we were little -even though we spoke that only one time- so you can just call me Loki."
Athena nodded, turning around and bending down to grab her books she dropped. "Why are you out late?" Loki asked her, helping her with the books.
"Why are you?" she said back, rising an eyebrow at him.
"One of my errands before I go and rest for the night." Loki replied. "What about you? Why out so late in the Library?"
Instead of asking how he knew she was at the Library, she answered his question. "I found some interesting books and I got lost in one of them, unaware of the time."
"You know what they say," he chuckled, "time goes by when you're having fun." Loki hands her the books he grabbed, making her nod at him in thanks. "Why haven't I seen you around the castle?"
"You know why." Athena mumbled, taking a step back from him when she realised how close they were. "My parents died, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone."
"But it helps when there is someone there to comfort you." Loki said, taking a step closer to her, looking hurt. "I could have been there to comfort you."
"But I don't want to feel weak." Athena mumbled, refusing to look at him.
"Like what you said, Athena," Loki said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Your parents died. You needed just as much comfort than ever."
"I was scared," she choked out, trying to keep her tears at bay, "I wasn't thinking at that time, and wanted to mourn by myself."
"'That time'," Loki quoted. "Now you are thinking clearly. Do you want the comfort you seek, or no?"
So comfort Athena got. She placed the books on the ground, before jumping into Loki's surprised arms. He knew she needed the comfort, but he did not know she needed it that much. He felt her shaking in his arms, making him realise she was crying. "Shh. . ." he whispered, holding her close. "It is okay now, I am here now, I am here."
   "Promise?" Athena looked up at him hopefully.
   "I promise." he promised with a sincere smile.

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