Chapter 5

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One year later, Loki and Athena were friends again - best friends to be exact. They had walks around Asgard together; Athena teaching Loki more magic, while Loki tought Athena how to fight. Athena also spoke with Thor and the Warriors Three and Sif, becoming the best of friends, though Athena stuck with Loki more. Many men were jealous of Loki getting all the attention from Athena, while many women were jealous of Athena getting all the attention from Loki. Not much felt attracted to Loki though, mainly Thor. Athena wondered why women would go for someone who is full of himself, while you can just get a gentleman like Loki. . .
"Are you ready for Thor's ceremony of becoming the next king?" Athena asked Loki, brushing her brown hair. They were in her room; Loki was waiting for Athena to finish getting ready. Today was the day when Thor turns into a king. Loki and Athena were a bit hesitant, with how Thor acted around people. He was thick, doesn't think about anything much except himself and creating a battle with their enemies, the Jotuns. But nonetheless, Odin chose Thor over Loki. Loki was upset obviously, but only for a little while, until Athena walked into the room, brightening up his mood. Throughout the time they have spent together, Loki started to develop feelings for Athena. He of course, didn't tell her anything about his true feelings, in fear it would change their relationship when Athena doesn't return his feelings. But Loki doesn't know, that Athena also has feelings for him. She never told him, because she had the same theory as he does; not returning the feelings. Everyone could see they were in love with each other, except themselves.


"I am actually not ready for Thor's moment." Loki admitted to her, playing with his magic by conjuring up little items, before making them disappear. "I am worried for Asgard, when they realise they have an oaf on the throne, who wants to make war with the Jotuns."
"Odin made a truce with the Frost Giants." Athena argued, changing in her bathroom. "My parents died during their last battle."
"I know." Loki said, sitting up from laying down on Athena's bed. "And they died protecting Asgard, protecting you." Athena opened her bathroom door, revealing her in a beautiful dress. Loki felt his mouth drop open in awe at the sight. Athena was wearing an emerald green dress with gold patterns on the dress, the tip of her sleeves made out of lace, the colour gold. She had her hair down naturally, down to her mid-back, a locket around her neck (a gift from Loki for her birthday), no make up on, but still looking flawless without it.
"Thanks for talking about my parents like that." Athena grinned, oblivious to Loki's awed look. "How do I look? I decided to dress in the same colour as you, since you have a good taste in colours." Athena finally looked up, seeing his look. Her smile dropped in worry, thinking of his look in a different way. "Oh my. . .is it that bad?"
"What - NO! No - I mean. . .no, you don't look bad. You look absolutely gorgeous." Loki stumbled with his words, looking down embarrassed.
"Oh! Um. . .thank you." Athena looked down with a blush, fiddling with her locket out of habit. "Erm, come on, let's go before we're late."
"My, my!" Queen Frigga cried, walking towards Loki and Athena. "Don't you two look amazing!"
"Thank you, mother."
"Thank you, Frigga." Loki and Athena said at the same time.
"Though, same colours?" Frigga looked at them amused, with a tinge of hope. Frigga had been waiting for the moment when the two of them get together.
"Yes, that is Athena's doing." Loki chuckled, making Athena roll her eyes.
"Oh please, it's not my fault we both like the same colour." Athena scoffed. Before the two of them could continue their petty argument, Frigga stopped them, ushering them to their spots for the ceremony, since it was about to start.
"Now behave, you two. This is Thor's big moment." Frigga tells the two young adults. The two kids nodded silently, glancing at each other worried. Though Loki, was worried about a different thing. Something relating to certain Frost Giants coming into Asgard.

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