Chapter 7

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The gang rode on their horses across the rainbow bridge, Thor in lead with Athena and Loki close behind. Athena wore her cloak, the hood over her head. They finally reached the Bifrost, hopping off their horses. "Let me speak to him." Loki told them. "Heimdall! Lovely to see you again."
   Athena zoned out after that, having a bad feeling about going to Jotunheim. She concentrated on looking at the future, and saw snippets of it. . .
Athena saw her future self fighting Frost Giants by herself, the others a couple of metres away. She hears Loki's shout of surprise, making her turn in his direction and see his bare skin being touched by a Frost Giant. Before she could do anything, she felt something pierce through her back, all the way to the front. Athena saw it was ice.
   "ATHENA!" she heard Sif yell in surprise.
   "NO! ATHENA!" she heard Loki scream. She fell to her knees, falling to her side. "ATHENA!  -"
   Athena snapped out of her vision, seeing Loki in front of her, looking at her concerned. "Athena, are you okay? Maybe you should stay this one out -"
   "I'm fine, I'm fine." Athena interrupted, giving him a weak smile.
   "Come on you two! You can kiss later on!" Fandral called out from inside the Bifrost. Athena and Loki glared in the direction of Fandral, before walking towards them. They finally reached the others, standing with them.
   "Remember, if you do anything that harms the piece, you will be left on that realm." Heimdall told them.
   "Can't you just leave it open?" Volstagg asked him. Athena zoned out again, getting another small vision. . .
"Is she going to be okay?"
   "We are not sure. . ."
   "Please, wake up. . .love you. . ."
   "We. . .danger. . .Thor. . ."
   Athena snapped out of her daze, and saw the others looking at her concerned. "I'm fine." Athena murmured. "You can open the Bifrost now, Heimdall."
   Heimdall opened the Bifrost, immediately taking the huge gang to Jotunheim, Loki and Athena hand in hand.
"It is so cold." Athena murmured, clutching her cloak tighter around her.
   "Let's go." Thor declared, walking in the direction of the Frost Giants home. Loki gave Athena a look, making her sigh and stay behind him, her hood covering her face. While walking closer to the Frost Giants home, Athena grasped onto Loki's cape. Loki looked at her confused and concerned, before reaching out behind him to hold her hand.
   "Everything is going to be all right." Loki said in his mind.
   "Is it? This is Jotunheim we're speaking of." Athena thought to him sourly. Loki gave her hand a squeeze, before he reluctantly released her hand when they reached in front of the King, Laufey. Athena stayed behind Loki, looking around the place warily. She was snapped out of her observation, when Loki left her sight, going towards an angry Thor. As much as she loved it when he calms Thor down, she can't help but feel vulnerable when he isn't with her.
   "Go on then, little princess." Laufey insulted, making Thor and Loki stop.
   "Damn." Loki and Athena said at the same time. Thor swung his hammer, hitting Laufey and sending him flying back to his throne, breaking it.
   "Anyone else?" Thor challenged. Soon everyone was fighting. Loki immediately went to Athena's side, fighting along side with her using their fighting skills and magic. Athena made sure to stay by Loki's side, until she saw Fandral get stabbed in the shoulder.
   "I have to aid Fandral!" Athena called out over the fights. "Will you be all right here?"
   "Go!" Loki waved off. "But be safe!" Athena smiled at him, before rushing over to Fandral, killing some Frost Giants along the way. She finally reached him and Hogun who was at his side, and motioned for Hogun to cover them.
   "Come on, let me see." she murmured, looking at his wound. She held her hand above his wound, and started to slowly heal it. Before she could finish, Hogun called out to her.
   "Get Sif over there to Fandral with Volstagg!" Hogun called out. "We need to leave quickly."
   Athena nodded, placing a protection charm on the wounded man. Only her and the others can be near him, while the others get flung back. Athena quickly told Sif and Volstagg where to go, before she was surrounded by Frost Giants. She had a bit of déja vou, but ignored it and started fighting them.
   She then heard Loki shout out in surprise. . .
   Everything was like in slow motion; she turned to him, getting distracted, only to feel the familiar pain of getting stabbed. She looked down to see an ice dagger through her. "Athena!" she heard Sif yell in surprise.
   "NO! ATHENA!" Loki screamed, a look of horror across his face. She fell to her knees, onto her side. She felt her eyes closing, but fought to stay awake, yet it was too hard. Everything felt numb for her, everything around her blurry, hearing around her like she is underwater. She saw through her blurry sight a Frost Giant coming towards her, only to see something stab him from behind. The monster fell, revealing a blurry Loki.
   "Loki!" she breathed out, before losing consciousness.
Loki finally reached the woman he loved, and scooped her into his arms. "Just hang on, love, hang on." he choked out, looking at her peaceful face. He quickly started heading towards the others, killing some Frost Giants along the way with his mind just like how Athena tought him.
   "Only use this powerful spell only for emergencies." Athena had told him.
   "This is an emergency." Loki muttered. "The love of my life is possibly dying."
   He finally reached the others, and they all ran to where the Bifrost is. "Where's Thor?" Sif called out.
   "Who knows!" Loki hissed, his mind on the dying beauty in his arms. It felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest, everything around him sounding like he was underwater. He was getting into shock.
   Everyone stopped in their tracks when a giant Frost Monster emerged in front of them. A giant turtle. On instinct, Loki turned his back to it, shielding the love of his life from the monsters. He didn't need to, because Thor suddenly came, killing it. Everyone was silent, only their heavy breathing heard. Loki snapped out of his daze, gently laying Athena down. He noticed the dagger still in her, making him gently pull it out, though making her whimper. "I'm sorry." he whispered to the unconscious body. He suddenly heard war cries, making him look up and see the Frost Giants charging towards them. Loki immediately held Athena to his chest, the rest standing in front of him, Athena and Fandral, the wounded ones.
   Suddenly, a beam emerged, revealing Odin in his armour, on a horse.

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