Chapter 9

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Loki immediately went rigid, avoiding her gaze. "Loki. . ." Athena slowly sat up on the bed, staring at him concerned. "Is it true? You're a Frost Giant?"
"Yes." he answered shakily. "I am. . .the monster you were told when you were little. I am the monster that killed your parents. . ."
"Loki -"
"You should stay away from me!" Loki stood up immediately, and backed away from her, staring at her sadly. "I am a monster! I'm dangerous! My kind just almost killed you!"
"Loki!" Athena slowly moved her legs to the side, and hopped off the bed as slowly as she could get. "Calm down -"
"Calm?" he laughed humourlessly. "How can I be calm, when the love of my life got hurt by one of my people! Or that her parents were killed by them! Or -"
"You love me?" Loki stopped immediately, staring at her like a deer caught in the headlights.
"What?" he whispered.
"You said, "The love of my life", Loki." Athena said, taking a step towards him. Loki responded immediately by taking a step back.
"Athena. . ." he warned her. "Stay away."
"Do you love me?" she asked him, taking another step towards him.
"Yes." Loki admitted, staring at her sadly. "I love you. I have loved you ever since we were little. But I understand if you don't want to be with me -"
"Loki. . ." Athena started slowly making her way towards him. Too busy ranting, Loki didn't take any steps back, continuing his rant while looking down at the ground.
"I'm a Frost Giant. Laufey's son. I'm a monster -"
"Loki -"
"-I'm one of those creatures that had killed your parents -"
"Loki -"
"I understand if you don't -" Athena finally reached him and cupped his face, bringing his lips down to hers. Loki froze in shock, eye wide open, watching as Athena kissed him with so much passion and love. This is what you wanted, fool, his thoughts hissed to him. Kiss her back.
Following his thoughts, Loki quickly responded and kissed her back just as passionately, slowly wrapping an arm around her waist, the other arm going up to cradle her head gently. They continued to kiss, until they ran out of breath, and when Athena was too weak to hold herself up. Loki immediately lifted her into his arms, and laid her back on his bed.
"Come here." she murmured, bringing him down beside her. She turned over to her side painfully and rested her head on his chest, much to his dismay.
"Athena!" he scolded. "Your wound is still fresh -"
"Hush." she whispered, bring a finger up to his lips to silence him. "I'm okay."
They were silent for a while, just enjoying each other's company. . .well, Loki was wondering why Athena hadn't left him yet. "Why are you still around me?" Loki whispered to her. "I'm a monster -"
"No you're not." Athena interrupted, moving her head so she could see him. She glared at him with pursed lips. "You're not a monster."
"How would you know?"
"You're joking right now, right?" she looked at him disbelief. "Loki, were you a monster when we first met?"
". . .no -"
"Have you ever acted feral towards me, or anyone?"
"No -"
"Did you kill my parents?"
"Of course not -!"
"Then Loki, you are not a monster." Athena said. "You may have been created into this world by monsters, but you were raised by people who love you and treat you as one of their own. Not as a monster."
"You don't understand!" Loki protested. "The reason why father favoured Thor over me was because I'm a Frost Giant! He couldn't bring a Frost Giant up into the throne!"
"Do you want the throne?" Athena asked him.
". . .no -"
"Then why are you complaining?" she asked him.
"I just want to be Thor's equal." Loki sighed. Athena couldn't help but give him a sad smile. All this time, Loki felt like he was just a shadow compared to Thor.
"Loki. . .you may not have Odin's approval, but you still have mine?" she offered. "And Frigga," she added, "you know how much she loves you."
"True. . ." Loki smiled slightly. "I have two of the most important women in my life at my side." Athena blushed at his comment, hiding her face away from him by hiding it in his chest. Loki chuckled genuinely, planting a kiss on the top of her head. "Athena," he whispered, "would you do the honours to court me?"
"Thought you'd never ask." she grinned up at him, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. "I love you."
Feeling warm at her words, Loki wrapped his arms around her in a hug, giving a small squeeze. "And I you, my love."

It All Started Before I Knew About The Truth (Loki love story)Where stories live. Discover now