Chapter 13

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It took a long time before Athena trusted the three people in New Mexico, including Barton and Coulson. At first, Athena hid away in her guest room, only showing signs of being alive when they see an empty tray of food outside her door. They all tried to get her out of the room, but to no success, for her mind was still scared that the SHIELD people would be back for her. Athena had never experienced loneliness until then; how much she missed Loki's love and affection, Thor's brotherly figure, Frigga's mother figure, Heimdall's wise words. . .Athena missed Asgard.
   It wasn't until exactly until two months later ever since she got saved, did she slowly walk out of her room. She saw the five people eating at a table, small talks every now and then. However all talks stopped when they saw Athena.
   "Hey!" Jane beamed. "How are you?"
   "She lives!" Darcy quipped up sarcastically, only to earn a glare from everyone. Athena ignored the comment and look outside, hoping for any sign of Thor and Loki.
   "Thor hasn't returned. . .yet." Jane hesitantly told the quiet Goddess.
   "And what of Loki?" Athena murmured.
   "Who, the crazy brother?" Darcy asked quite rudely. She received more glares, including from Athena.
   "Loki and I were to betrothed. . ." Athena trailed off sadly, blinking away the tears that were forming. "Well. . .we were until his mind got clouded with poison."
   They all gave her sympathetic looks. "You know he tried to kill Thor, right?" Selvig hesitantly told her. Athena nodded slightly with pursed lips.
   "From what I heard before I fell."
   "Fell?" Coulson repeated. Athena shuffled uncomfortably on her spot.
   "Loki and Thor were having a battle at the bifrost." Athena explained. "Thor was trying to stop Loki from destroying a realm. The only way Thor could do it was by destroying the bifrost -"
   "What's a bifrost?" Barton interrupted.
   "The bifrost is what makes us travel to different realms." Athena explained. Jane's face suddenly fell.
   "So Thor isn't here because. . ."
   "Because there is no bifrost." Athena finished for Jane. She then resumed her story. "When Thor was almost finished with the bifrost, Loki was about to stop him, making me go after him to try and stop his madness. However, Thor broke the bifrost, sending us backwards. I happened to be at the edge, and fell." Athena looked down at the ground, wiping her tears away quickly. "The last thing I heard before I fell was Loki's scream for me." Athena looked in the distance sadly. "His scream was full of pain and regret." she whispered. She snapped out of her trance and gave a small fake smile. "I wake up and suddenly, here I am. In this realm."
It took a lot of time for Athena to trust them. Barton had stayed for a while, before having to leave for missions SHIELD wanted him to do. Athena had flinched when he mentioned SHIELD. Jane sadly couldn't get any information yet from Athena, since she was still in the stage of homesickness. Jane remembered clearly what had happened when she told Athena what she was experiencing.
   "You're experiencing homesickness." Jane had said to her. "It's when you miss your home."
   "What is the cure for this?" Athena had muttered, bringing her knees up to her chest from where she was sitting on the sofa. "This feeling is revolting."
   "I know." Jane gave a sympathetic smile to her.
   "Loki was my home." Athena murmured. "He was there for me no matter what situation he was in." Jane didn't say anything, since she still didn't like Loki. He was the one that tried to kill Thor, just a couple of months ago.
   "I'm sure everything will be okay." Jane tried to assure her. "I mean, you're safe here."
   "Am I?" Athena murmured. "These. . .SHIELD people. . .they're not good people."
   "They're doing what they think is right for Earth. . .Midgard." Jane said, quickly correcting herself when she saw the confused look on the Goddess. "Listen, what they did was wrong, but they care about this planet. I'm sure, if you give them another chance, it will be okay." Jane looked down at her watch and stood up. "Erik will be here soon. He's packing his stuff up to go to SHIELD."
   "The old man?" Athena mumbled, standing up as well. "He's returning to them?"
   "Well, it is his new job." Jane said. "He's trying to help them with some confidential thing that he couldn't tell me."
"I'm going to miss you." Jane said, giving Selvig a hug.
   "Nah, you'll be okay." he said. "You have Darcy, and a Goddess to look after you."
   "Break a leg." Darcy said, giving him a hug.
   "Break a leg?" Athena frowned. "Why would he break a leg?" The three laughed at her confusion, before giving each other a solemn smile.
   "Listen Athena," Selvig came to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "everything is going to be okay. You're safe with Jane here -"
   "And Darcy." he rolled his eyes. "Can you promise me that you will look after them in return?"
   "You have my word, Selvig." Athena vowed. Selvig smiled at her and the others, before walking into the awaiting SUV that was to take him to a SHIELD base.
A year passed, and everything was okay. Athena slowly forgave SHIELD, and had started to tell Jane information about space and the bifrost - including some childhood memories of Thor. Jane noticed how a small little find smile would go on Athena's face when talking about her planet, only for it to turn sad when she mentions Loki.
   It wasn't until Agent Hill (someone Athena had met a few times) came to visit them, did they see for the first time, mischief and adventure in Athena's eyes.

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