Chapter 10

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Athena rested in Loki's bed, reading one of his many books, when the bifrost suddenly turned on and sent someone away. Athena frowned at what she saw. From what she recalled, Loki had told everyone that the bifrost is no longer to be used, since they're in battle with Jotunheim. In fact, she noticed Loki had been acting strange. He's been colder, distant, yet he still somehow showed her his love for her. Athena decided that since Odin is in Odinsleep, Frigga at his side, Thor banished, the Warriors Three and Sif no longer communicating with him, Athena is the only one that is keeping him sane.
   The door suddenly bursted open, revealing Loki looking quite nervous. "Loki?" Athena sat up on the bed concerned. "What's wrong?"
   "Athena. . ." Loki knelt down by the bed, and held her hand in his. "I know we've only been courted for a couple days, but ever since we've grown from our childhood years, I have grown to fall in love you. But nonetheless, Lady Athena Marywelldottir, will you do me the honours to wed you?" Athena covered her mouth with her spare hand in shock. "Will you marry me?"
   "Loki. . .of course I will!" Athena brought him into a hug, tears of joy flowing down her cheeks. "Loki, I love you."
   "And I love you too!" he laughed, shedding a few tears himself. "That's why I must ask you; do you trust me?" Athena pulled away shocked.
   "Why of course I do!"
   "Good." Loki stood up and brought her to stand up. "Then can you go to mother and Odin?"
   "Because," he wrapped a spare cloak of his on her, "I have a feeling something bad is going to happen."
   "But what about you?" she asked him, cupping the side of his face with her hand. He leaned into her touch and placed a chaste kiss on the palm of her hand.
   "I have to be out there for my people - rest assured," he told her, noticing her worried look, "I will be back for you."
   "Good," she smiled slightly, "because I want to organise our wedding as soon as possible."
   "Anything for you." he placed a tender kiss on her forehead. "Now go, I will be there shortly."
"Athena!" Frigga looked at her shocked. "Why come so worried? Is it Loki? Thor?"
   "Loki told me to come here." Athena told her, glancing at the sleeping Odin for a moment. "He senses that something bad is going to happen."
   "That's not all he told you, isn't it." she mused. "There's a sparkle in your eyes.
   "Loki. . .he proposed to me." Athena revealed. Frigga smiled happily.
   "Really? About time."
   "About time?" Athena looked at her shocked. Frigga opened her mouth to continue, only to gasp in shock when she saw ice forming in the doors. Frigga quickly stood up, revealing a sword, while Athena stood next to her with her magic and daggers. "I guess Loki was right." she murmured. The bursted open, revealing three Frost Giants. The three creatures immediately charged towards them, Athena and Frigga waiting for them patiently. Immediately they were in a mini battle, Athena against two while Frigga was against one. Athena easily defeated the two and went to aid the queen, only to see her finished around the same time as Athena. However, their victory was only short lived when somebody came and shoved them to the side. Athena reacted immediately, and made sure the queen was okay. They turned to the frost giant and saw him on top of Odin, an ice dagger forming in his hands.
   "No!" the two gasped. Everything was in slow motion; he raised the dagger up in the air ready to strike, only to be sent forward by magic. They turned to where the magic came from, to see Loki with the sceptre in his hands.
   "And your death came by the son of Odin." Athena heard Loki say along those lines. He then fired, turning the frost giant into ashes.
   "Loki!" Frigga sighed in relief, running towards him, Athena following.
   "Mother, are you alright?" Loki asked concerned. Frigga nodded, making Loki turn to his lover. "Athena, my love." Loki brought Athena into his arms. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
   "No, I'm fine." Athena assured him. Loki placed a hand each on their shoulder.
   "I swear to you, mother and Athena, that they will pay for what they have done. Besides," Loki smirked towards Athena, "we have a wedding to organise -"
The three quickly turned around at the sound of a very familiar voice. "Thor!" Frigga cried happily, running towards him, bringing him into a hug.
   "Thor, my friend!" Athena cried, running towards him and also bringing him in a hug. "So much has gone by since you were gone. Also, Loki and I are to wed!"
   "Loki," Thor said angrily, slowly getting out of Athena's hug, "why don't you tell them what you have done."
   "What?" Athena frowned. "Loki, what is he on about?" Loki sent her a small sad smile, before he turned into green mist, along with everything around her. She realised what was happening to her. "Loki, no!" she cried out. Her surroundings became clearer and noticed she was in his chambers. She quickly ran to the balcony and saw them fighting in the rainbow bridge. "No!" she breathed out. "How did they even get there so fast?"
   Without thinking, she teleported to their location, unaware of what they were doing.
She transported a couple of feet away from them, getting dizzy for using most of her energy. Through her dizzy state, she saw Loki jump towards Thor who was for some reason trying to brake the bridge to the bifrost, that was acting up crazy.
   "LOKI, NO!" she screamed, running towards them. But it was too late; Thor finally broke the bridge, bright light flashing out, before she was enveloped into darkness.

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