Part 2

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Crystal Jiang told Xiao zhan to call Liying. Xiao zhan went to her room,he saw her phone ringing, liying was in Washroom. Xiao zhan decided to wait but the phone kept ringing. Xiao zhan picked up the phone,the call was from Sara.

Xiao zhan picked up the call.

Wang Yibo:. Liying babe how are you? Why you didn't attended the call early... hello.....Babe,why aren't you talking?

Xiao zhan cut the call.

Liying came out of the Washroom.

Liying,"what are you doing here?...... where's my phone?"

Xiao zhan,"here".

Liying,"why is my phone with you, don't touch my phone again ".

Xiao zhan,"who's this who's name you saved with Sara".

Liying,"ohh Sara.... she's my friend ".

Zhan,"it was a boy's voice".

Liying," as you have known so...let me tell you... he's my boyfriend...I love him and we are dating ".

Xiao zhan,"Liying,how can you do this....who knows what kind of boy is that".

Liying,"I personally know him he's a good don't need to worry ".

Xiao zhan,"but..."

Liying,"no buts , please...get out of my way". She picked her bag and left.



Xiao zhan,"liying!! Where are you".

Liying was talking with someone on the phone upstairs.

Liying,"bobo.... I'll talk to you later ok...bye".

Yibo,"ok babe,bye.... love you ".

Liying,"love you too".

Xiao zhan,"you're talking with that boy again ".

Liying,"what's your problem Zhan,just stay away from my affairs.... don't poke in my business".

Xiao zhan,"but liying...."


Xiao zhan *sigh* ,"ok do as you wish but I'm gonna tell mom".

Liying,"Zhan don't do that, I'll tell them myself when it is time " , saying this she left.

Liying came back to her room,she made a call to Yibo.

Yibo: hello babe! what happened?

Liying: it's my brother.

Yibo:what did he do?

Liying: he's just poking in my business,he wants me to break up with you?

Yibo:what?but why?

Liying; he thinks you're not a good guy.

Yibo: do you think the same?

Liying: no bobo! Why will I?

Yibo:then that's good.

Liying: tell me what should I do.

Yibo: give his number to me, I'll talk to him.

Liying: ok, I'll text you his number.

Yibo: ok,bye , good night, sweet dreams.

Liying: you too .

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