Part 10

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The next day everyone were getting ready to meet Xuan lu. 

When they reached the home,Cheng knocked at the door. Jiang fengmian opened the door.

Cheng hugged him and said,"dad! I'm missed you so much".

Jiang fengmian,"me too, specially your mother,she was waiting for your arrival".

Cheng,"she's in her room".

Fengmian turned towards others and bowed to them. They all bowed in return. 

Madam Yu also came toward them and bowed to them, they bowed to her in return.

Madam Yu,"please have a seat". They all sat in the living room.

She asked them about their health and journey. Carmen,"we are fit and fine and our journey was good...what about you?"

Madam Yu,"I'm fine just busy with Xuan's marriage preparation ".

Carmen,"I can the way where is she?".

Madam Yu,"she went out with Yuchen for shopping ".

Carmen,"it will be her marriage in two days at least she should spend these two days with you".

Madam Yu,"what to say,it's her wish".

Madam Yu,"maids! bring refreshments for them".

Carmen,"it's ok... there's no need for all this".

Madam Yu,"why not? You're our guest...".

 Madam Yu hugged Cheng.

Cheng,"I missed you mom".

Madam Yu,"I'm missed you too son", saying this she kissed Cheng on the forehead.

Xiao zhan was looking at their interaction,he had tears in his eyes. His parents never showed him this much love,only Liying would get this much attention. Yibo looked at Zhan and saw tears in his eyes,he somehow felt pain in his heart.

Yibo,"what is wrong with me...why my heart is aching seeing him like this...I never felt like this for anyone...not even Liying".

Carmen also saw Zhan,she side hugged him.

Madam Yu *pointing at Xiao zhan*,"Carmen!who is this?"

Carmen,"uh..he... he's Yibo's husband".

Madam Yu,"Yibo got married and you didn't told us".

Carmen,"it was a simple marriage.... some day we'll arrange a big function ".

Madam Yu,"oh..ok".

They talked with each other. After sometime,the door opened,Xuan lu came inside,she greeted all the guests.

She sat with Cheng. She said,"a-cheng! How are you?"

Cheng,"I'm fine jie,how are you?"

Xuan,"fine.....aunty!how are you?".

Carmen,"I'm fine Xuan,how are you".

Xuan,"I'm fine,thank you".

Zhan,"Cheng ge! She's your sister?"

Xuan looked at Zhan and said,"it's you".

Zhan,"yes,lu jie".

Xuan came towards him and pinched his both cheeks and said,"oh my God,Zhan zhan!I never thought, I'll meet you again".

Zhan,"jie! Leave my cheeks,it hurts".

Xuan lu left his cheeks and said,"oh.. sorry".

Xiao zhan smiled and said,"it's ok".

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