Part 4

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Darren came out of his room,the door bell rang. 

Darren opened the door and saw Xiao zhan.

Darren,"what are you doing here?"

Xiao zhan,"please believe in me I didn't do anything".

Just then Cici came and said,"but we saw everything with our own eyes ".

Xiao zhan,"aunty it was a misunderstanding,Yibo didn't...."

Darren,"mom is right...we saw everything with our own eyes but...."

Xiao zhan,"I'll prove it to you that I'm innocent and it was all a misunderstanding ".

Cici,"how will you prove it?"

Xiao zhan held Darren's hand and said,"follow me".

They went out of the house,Cici kept calling but they didn't listened.



Liying was laying in the bed. Crystal was cutting an apple for her.Jian min was sitting on a chair beside Liying.

Liying," told Zhan that I'm awake right...but why didn't he came to meet me?"

Crystal,"why do you want to meet him because of him you are in this condition ".


Just then Xiao zhan and Darren entered.

Xiao zhan came towards liying and said,"liying!how are you feeling now".

Liying,"I'm fine".

Xiao zhan,"look who is here to meet you *pointing at Darren*.

Liying,"Darren get! how are you".

Darren,"I'm fine, how are you".


Xiao zhan *holding Liying's hand*,"Liying! please tell everyone what happened that day".

Jian min,"the doctor has prohibited her from talking too much ".

Xiao zhan,"please tell them... who's Yibo ".

Jian min,"Zhan I told you to....".

Xiao zhan,"please father let me ask her,if I didn't asked now it will be too late and my life will be destroyed ".

Xiao zhan,"liying please... don't be scared...tell the truth... nothing will happen to you...tell them about your relation with Yibo ".

Liying was quiet for a while then she said,"why are you lying bro...I don't know were in relationship with him.....I warned you many times not to cheat on Darren get didn't listened to me and you...".

Xiao zhan,"QUIET ...Why are you lying?why don't you tell them the truth?"

Darren,"she won't lie because you want her to...I have heard everything cheated on me...I don't want to keep any relationship with you ".

Darren threw the engagement ring on Xiao zhan's face and said,"I break up with you today... don't interfere in my life again... we're done for.....", saying this he left.

Xiao zhan was broken,his heart shattered into pieces. He looked at liying, who's eyes were closed now and left.

Darren came back home,his mother was waiting for him.

Cici,"what happened son".

Darren,"mom... everything is finished...I broke my engagement with him.....I was wrong to believe in him..I was such a fool to believe in him....he cheated on me ...he...".

Cici,"I also can't believe....he broke everyone's trust".

Darren,"I'm going to my room".

Cici," some rest".



Xiao zhan came back home,he was feeling dejected, hopeless, betrayed...he had mixed emotions.

Xiao zhan,"why isn't there anybody home...why am I so lonely... someone help me I'm...I'm did you leave me so one believes me...not even Darren... Darren broke up with me...why...why...why Liying..why you have to do destroyed my life...what did you got doing this".

He was crying. He went to his room and took a photo from the drawer. It was Changse's photo, Xiao zhan stoled it from his father's album. Xiao zhan held that phone near his chest and cried.

Xiao zhan,"mom! I need you...I need someone's warmth..I need someone's belief in me...I'm innocent... they're misunderstanding..why does nobody listen to me?"

He cried for a while,then he slept. He woke up when he heard someone closing the door with a thud. He hid the photo in his pocket. 

Jian min came towards him and said,"make a call to that boy".

Xiao zhan,"what?"

Jian min *angrily* ,"DO AS I SAY, where's your phone, bring that".

Xiao zhan,"ok..."

Jian min,"hurry up".

Xiao zhan brought his phone. He dialed Yibo's number.

Carmen lee came inside the room. Yibo's phone was ringing. Carmen lee called Yibo but he wasn't in his room. The phone kept ringing,so Carmen lee picked up the call.

Carmen: hello!

Xiao zhan: hello! I'm Xiao zhan.

Carmen lee: who , Xiao zhan?

Jian min took the phone from Xiao zhan.

Jian min: I want to talk to Yibo.

Carmen lee: I'm his mother, Yibo is not home.

Jian min: I want to meet you and your son.

Carmen lee: who are you?I don't even know you and what work do you have with my son.

Jian min: I'll tell you when I meet you....tell me your address.

Carmen: ok,it's ******.

Jian min: ok, thanks.

Jian min cut the call. He glared at Xiao zhan and left.

What will Jian min do now... let's see...

Thanks for reading....

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