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Wang Yibo was in Carmen's room. He recalled all his beautiful memories with his mother. He saw a drawer slightly opened. He went towards it and opened it fully. There was USB in it. He picked it up. He plugged the USB into laptop and watched the video. After watching the video he cried bitterly.



Today was Fanxing and lusi's wedding. Everyone was busy in getting ready.

Xiao zhan,"Yuan baby! Hurry up...wear your clothes".

Yuan,"no mommy,I don't like this ,I want suit like Dad".

Yibo came inside,he picked up Yuan in his arms and said,"what is it that my little prince don't like ".

Zhan,"he's not wearing his clothes ".

Yibo,"Yuan! Hurry up wear it, don't tire your mom, we'll be late for your uncle's wedding".

Yuan,"but dad!"

Zhan takes Yuan from Yibo's and says,"come on baby wear this, when you grow up your dad will buy you suit ok".

Yuan,"when will I grow up".

Zhan pinched his nose and said,"soon".

(a-yuan is Xiao zhan and Yibo's son. He is 3 years old)

They got ready and came out. Everyone was at the wedding altar.

Yibo was about to elbow Fanxing but stopped.

Fanxing,"why you stopped brother?"

Yibo wrapped his arm around Fanxing's shoulder and said,"today it's your wedding,so I'll forgive you this time".

 Fanxing smiled.

Fanxing saw Lusi coming towards the stage. He set himself. He couldn't get his eyes off Lusi.

Yibo whispers in Fanxing ear,"be careful, don't let your eyeballs pop out".

Fanxing came back to his senses. Jason gu gave Lusi's hand in Fanxing's hand and said,"take care of my little princess ".

Fanxing,"I will".

The priest started the vows.

Yibo remembered his wedding day. He was missing his mother so much. He always missed her but today he missed her even more.

"Mom! Your Fanxing has grown,he got married today", thought Yibo. 

Thinking about it he recalled something. He got up from his seat. Zhan caught his wrist and said,"Bobo! Where are you going?"

Yibo,"I'll be back in no time...it's just I remembered something I forgot to bring".

Zhan,"ok... come quick then". Yibo nod.

Fanxing and lusi took their vows,they exchanged rings.

Priest,"now I announce you two as husband and wife...you may kiss".

Fanxing kissed lusi. Everyone clapped their hands.

Everyone congratulated the newly wedded couple.

Fanxing hugged Yibo and said,"I wish mom was with us, she'd be very happy......I wish ......"

Yibo parted from him and said,"I have something for you".

Saying this he ordered the servants to arrange the projector. The servants did the same.

Yibo plugged the USB into his laptop and started the video.

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