Part 12

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Since that day , Xiao zhan started distancing himself from Yibo. He would sleep in guest room. Carmen lee also noticed that something is going on between them but she thought they must have fought with each other that's why they're like this.

Fanxing wasn't also happy, because he didn't got to hear any argument from them.

On the other hand, Darren married Xue kai. He gave invitation to Xiao zhan. Xiao zhan was very sad at that time,he threw the invitation card in the dustbin.

Since few days, Carmen became ill. All were worried about her. Zhan told her that they should tell Haikuan about her health but she told him not to make Haikuan worry.

One day, Zhan was sitting with Carmen,he was cutting apple for Carmen. He felt like vomiting. He hurried to the Washroom. 

Carmen,"what happened son?"

Zhan,"I'm not feeling well".

Carmen,"we'll take you to the hospital......YIBO...YIBOO..YIBOO".

Yibo came inside and said,"yes Mom! You called me?"

Carmen,"hurry up, we're going to the hospital", she got up from bed.

Yibo came towards her worried and said,"Mom, what happened?are you ok?"

Carmen,"I'm ok,we have to take a-zhan to the hospital".


They went to the hospital. The doctor did the check up and said,"congratulations! he's 

pregnant ".


Zhan,"but.... how is this possible?.....I'm a man ".

Doctor,"actually,you are born with a female womb... so you can give birth".

Carmen *happily*,"that's so cool, now I'm going to be a grandma ", saying this she kissed Zhan on the forehead. Zhan hugged her.

Yibo was very happy that he's going to be a father. Fanxing was also happy,he hugged Zhan and said,"Zhan ge!I'm so happy,I'm gonna be an uncle".

Zhan pat his (Fanxing) head. Yibo thought,"I also want to hug him".

Fanxing,"I'll give this good news to Cheng ge and brother. He went out to call Haikuan.

Carmen,"a-zhan! Let's go". They all came back home. Zhan went to his room. He was looking for something in the cupboard, someone hugged him from behind.

Zhan understood who could it be,he tried to get free from Yibo's grip but Yibo didn't let him go.

Zhan,"jerk Yibo! Leave me".

Yibo," today is happy day, at least today don't ignore me".

Zhan," I haven't forgiven you for what you did.... and I won't forgive you easily ", saying this he freed himself from Yibo's grip and was about to go but Yibo caught his wrist and kissed him.

Zhan was shocked by Yibo's sudden action. He tried to get free from Yibo but Yibo wasn't letting him go. After sometime, Yibo left Zhan. Zhan slapped Yibo. 

Zhan,"stay away from me".

Yibo was now on his knees. Zhan was confused by his (Yibo's) actions.

Yibo,"Zhan! I know I have been a jerk to you and hurted you......I blamed you for taking away my love from me,but these days I have realized that.... Liying wasn't my true was just true love is... YOU....". Zhan's eyes widen.

Yibo," I realized it late....I fell in love with you...and that too deeply... Zhan don't ever leave me.. I'll die without you....this jerk has fallen in love with you.... Zhan! I love you ".

Zhan," but I hate you......", saying this he left. Yibo was broken but he knew it was his fault. Yibo wiped his tears.

On the other hand, Zhan was moved on by listening to Yibo, his heart was beating fast....but he didn't let this affect him...he thought 'he can't forgive Yibo easily '. 

Cheng called Zhan. Zhan smiled seeing the caller's id. He picked up the call. They talked for a while. Zhan cut the call. Cheng told Zhan that they are coming tomorrow to meet them and will stay for a few days. Zhan was very happy listening to it.

Zhan,"Cheng ge! I'll go tell Mom".

Cheng*on the call*,"no don't tell her,we want to surprise her".

Zhan,"ok Cheng ge".

Cheng,"and there's another surprise also".

Zhan,"what is it?"

Cheng,"you'll know tomorrow".

Zhan,"I'll wait for that".

Cheng,"ok bye now... take care... good night".

Zhan,"you too, take care... good night". Zhan cut the call.

After a while, Carmen lee came towards Zhan with a glass of milk.

Carmen,"a-zhan! Here...I brought milk for you... finish it quickly".

Zhan *whining*,"but Mom! I don't want to ".

Carmen," I'm not here to listen to your refusal , finish it quickly".

Zhan took the glass from Carmen and drank it.

Carmen,*that's my have to take care of yourself and the baby ".

Zhan *smiling*," yes Mom!I will ".

Carmen caress Zhan's face. Zhan holds her hand in his hand.

Carmen,"go to sleep".

Zhan,"ok Mom, you too... good night".

Carmen,"good night".

Carmen went to her room. Zhan was about to go to guest room to sleep but Yibo caught his wrist and dragged him to his room.

Zhan was protesting but Yibo didn't listened to him. Once they entered the room, Yibo left Zhan's wrist.

Zhan*angrily*," what now?"

Yibo," sleep here".

Zhan,"and why should I?"

Yibo,"you might need something at you should sleep here so that...."

Zhan,"I can take care of myself,I don't need your help ", saying this he was about to leave but Yibo again caught him.

Zhan angrily turned towards Yibo and said," don't touch....mmm", Yibo kissed him. Zhan was pissed off but he likes it when Yibo kiss him.

After the kiss, Yibo said," listen to me please....if not for me.. for the baby...ok".

Zhan sighed and said," ok.. only for the baby ".

Yibo smiled. They went to sleep. As always Zhan kept pillows in the middle. Soon, They dozed off.



It was late night, Jian min woke up. He was feeling thirsty. He went to the kitchen. He opened the door and what he saw, shocked him and angered him.

Jian min,"what is happening here?"

What do you think Jian min saw?

And one more thing,can you give me any suggestions about Liying, how should I punish her?

Thanks for reading......

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