Part 9

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Haikuan came to greet his mother.

Haikuan hugged Carmen and said,"Mom! Welcome".

Carmen,"thanks Stranger".

Haikuan,"why.. stranger?"

Carmen,"think it yourself".

Haikuan,"ok..I'm sorry ,next time I won't repeat the same mistake, I'll call you everyday".

Carmen,"that's good",she smiles pating Haikuan's head.

Haikuan went towards Fanxing and ruffles his hair saying,"hey little!how are you?"

Fanxing,"I'm fine,da ge".

Haikuan smiled.

Haikuan,"Mom! where's Yibo?"

Carmen,"he's coming with the surprise".


Zhou Cheng came and hugged Carmen,she hugged him back.

Carmen,"how are you son".

Zhou Cheng,"I'm fine....welcome aunty". Carmen smiled.

Zhou Cheng met with Fanxing too.

Zhou Cheng,"where is that annoying brat?"

"I'm here annoying lotus", Yibo's voice came from behind.

Cheng,"you ...."

Yibo,"annoying lotus!I'm tired I don't want to argue".

Cheng,"give me some respect,you brat".

Carmen,"fine..fine... don't fight... Yibo! where's a-zhan".

"I'm here Mom ", Xiao zhan's voice came.

Zhou Cheng and Haikuan looked at Xiao zhan.

Carmen,"come inside son".

Xiao zhan came towards Carmen and greeted Haikuan and Zhou Cheng.

Haikuan smiled and said,"so you are the new guest".

Zhou Cheng was thinking something looking at Xiao zhan, Xiao zhan asked him,"why are you staring at me?"

Yibo turned towards Cheng and saw him staring at Xiao zhan.

Yibo felt irritated and said,"hey annoying lotus!why are you staring at him".

Fanxing,"don't be jealous brother ". Yibo elbows him.

Fanxing,"ouch... brother ".

Yibo glared at him.

Zhou Cheng came out of his thoughts and said,"now I remember ".


Zhou Cheng,"you're Xiao zhan,right?"

Zhan,"yes,but how do you....hey are you Cheng gege".

Cheng smiled and said," remember...I remembered it too".

Carmen,"you both know each other?"

Cheng and Zhan said at the same time,"yes!!"

Yibo was looking at them with an eyebrow raised.

Xiao zhan,"Cheng ge was my senior when I was in grade 4".

Cheng," are you....I'm meeting you after a long time ".

Zhan,"I'm fine ge,how are you".

Cheng,"fit and fine, standing right Infront of you".

Zhan smiled.

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