II - the medical certificate

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I arrive at 9pm at Rossi's house as Reid said.

Rossi opens the door, as soon as I entered I find Gracia and Morgan sitting close together. she's looking for something on the computer while Morgan leafed through folders. Reid is writing something on a sheet of paper. not being in the office, we don't have our own transparent board to write on.

"You arrived just in time" Morgan says to me

"You missed my italian dinner, but we saved a glass of wine for you too" Rossi says handing me a glass of wine.

After picking up my glass i walk over to Garcia and Morgan; looking at their computer searches, Emily's personal papers pop up.

"I thought we were looking for Ian Doyle not Emily." I say.

"did you read between the lines of my message?" Reid asks to me.

"Reid you sent me a normal message, why should I read in code what you write to me?" I ask confused.

"c'mon Watson don't make Sherlok nervous" jokes Morgan.

"Wait, Garcia what are you searching?" I ask to her.

"If there's still a relative or a friends of her's" she says.

"So why Hotch and JJ aren't here?" I ask.

"You've already known the answer." says Reid.

Everyone stares at me, i pull up a chair and sit next to Garcia, she hands me a second laptop she kept in a bag and asks me to dig deeper into Emily's past.
When I was typing something at the laptop, Rossi received a message, we all looked at him, we probably thought it was a Hotch's message.

"Don't worry guys it's just my ex-wife." he says

"Which one? Wife number 1, 2 or 16?" jokes Morgan.

"Close, wife number 3" he answers.

"tell us what it says" says Garcia.

"Oh we text each other with some quotes every day today's is "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see." —Winston Churchill." says Rossi with such pride.

"Aw that's cute though" answers Garcia.

Rossi smiled at that comment. But I was more concentrated on the case.
In the meanwhile, Reid draw a sort of map with every single thing that happened to Emily that we discovered in the past and things that we're discovering.
I wasn't sure of the lead that led to Emily, but I'm relying on our profiler minds.

"Guys look at it" I say.
I stare at Garcia's second laptop, where I managed to enter the page of the hospital where she was born, 40 years before.
"They didn't enter the death day" this was Reid, as shocked as me and the team in the moment of the realization.
"We need to go to the office, now" exclaims Reid.

"Wait! It's almost 9:30 the office is about to close, probably if no one is there anymore they have already closed for a while." reminds us Garcia.

"Batman and Robin can sneak into Hotch's office, and look for a paper certificate, he sure has it." says Morgan.

"With "Batman" and "Robin" you mean me and Reid?" I asked.

"I'm sure you two can stole that paper from Hotch." Morgan continues explaining our plan:
Garcia will hack the doors that are well closed and she will disable the cameras.
Then we'll go to Hotch's office and steal that paper.
Rossi gives to us a little mic, we put it on our clothes, so they can hear and talk to us while we're in the office.

It's 10pm, me and Reid are in front of the building, we both didn't get the chance to meet at the usual case table after what happened a few days ago.

"Garcia open the door" he whispers at the mic.
After 10 seconds the door was open and the cameras disabled.

Spencer and I run to the elevator that takes us to our floor where we work. The office was dark and cold, Strauss must have left the windows open at least all afternoon. We go up the steps that lead us to Aaron's office and open each drawer. We found nothing.

"Go check JJ's desk!" exclaims Garcia in my earphones.
We go down the stairs and go to JJ's desk next to Morgan's and opening the last drawer we find Emily's certificates. the date of death was marked in pen by hand.
"Oh my-" I shone the torch on the card so he could send the photo to Garcia, I look to Reid's face and he seems as shocked as me. That means that she's probably alive somewhere.

"That's definitely her handwriting" he says.

We hear footsteps coming from the elevator, I turn the torch off and I hide under JJ's desk, Reid in the opposite one.

The moonlight fell on his face, serious as it had always been. Hotch was on his way to his office, he was turning on the light in the room when he saw an anonymous figure at one of the desks.

For a moment I thought he saw me and Reid but when I focused on the person a bullet pierced the glass of the room and Hotch fall on the ground.

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