XXVIII - what really happened

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Morgan begins to tell, even if his facial expression is not the happiest, I try to keep the attention on what he says.

"so you and Reid went into the woods, to surround Gideon's house, but apparently the sniper got there before you. We are quite well I think, we are a bit stunned, as the explosion happened very close to us." he explains to me.

"and... Gideon? what about him? Is he ok?" I ask.
Emily shakes her head and looks down, then she starts talking.

"Well, uhm... we didn't find anything, we haven't found the body, and at this point we don't know where he is, if he's still alive or not." she says.

"maybe he ran away or he had foreseen this arrival or maybe-" Morgan interrupts me, saying that there is no more hope and that Cat Adams and her team of snipers has won. We just have to protect the ones on the list, so me and Gideon, even though he might already be dead without our knowledge.

maybe Cat and the sniper kidnapped him and we're still in the ambulance looking at each other and telling each other things that happened or could happen. I immediately ask where the others are and where are we going as the ambulance is moving and I assume they are taking me to the hospital.

"some of them are going back, but they didn't give up, Garcia is trying to track down the sniper with a SWAT-supplied drone" Morgan explains to me as I'm holding a can of frozen beans on my head. (very professional for being in an ambulance)

"and where are they going? To Quantico? It's so far from here, you should be joking. You should've stayed there with them" I answer to Derek.

"We're here to protect you, you nearly died" Prentiss says.

"yes but also Spencer" I almost scream, they never told me anything about him again, and I don't know why.

"Oh uhm, and about Spencer..." Morgan says, then he looks down and after a little break he restarts talking.

"We haven't found him yet, Rossi, Hotch and JJ are still there, instead of Strauss and Garcia who are returning to Quantico with one of the SWAT team." Derek says with broken voice.

I close my eyes. I don't speak and I don't move, I look up at the gray painted ceiling of the ambulance, I also see shelves with medical kits on the sides, I look at them only to distract myself from the thought that Reid is dead or wounded in the woods with the sniper and definitely some other Cat Adams hitmen.
A question arises spontaneously, why didn't Morgan stay to look for Reid? The two of them are like two brothers, one would risk his life for the other and they have always helped each other, why did Spencer escape and Morgan didn't stay in the woods looking for him?
I don't dare ask, it must have been those strange orders from Strauss, they always go to preferences so I try to convince myself that it's this and not something else.

I try to change the topic, asking them what the sniper gave me, where and how.

"they should still test you but Prentiss and I saw, in addition to smoke and fire, smoke of a purplish color that gave off a terrible smell even from a certain distance, so you passed out because of this weird smoke, or at least I think" Morgan says to me, and Emily nods.

There is a moment of silence, then Emily tells me that the journey is still long and that I have to keep my eyes closed, as soon as they have news about Reid, Gideon or the sniper they will tell me.

"yeah, Emily's right you need to rest, we will stay with you all the trip and even at the hospital, when you feel better you will come back on a mission with us" Derek says. I nod and I close my eyes.
Right now I'm reliving the moments before I passed out, the phone call, the neighbors, Reid running away, everything has a connection and maybe I'll find it before I wake up, or better if I wake up.

I know that it's been almost a month since I published the last chapter (which I don't even remember the number and the title lol) I'm so sorry but in this period I've been so busy and I didn't have any idea for the continue of this story.
Now idk when I'll publish another chapter but i'm still here thinking about this story and a continue or an end.
See you next chapter :))

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